have u ever been discovered???

Discussion in 'General' started by thegodfather420, May 5, 2008.

  1. has your grow ever been discovered? not by the authorities but by friends or family? how did u explain yourself, and the grow?

    heres my story. i was about 16. i had started a grow in a small cab in my entertainment center but needed more room so i built a bigger cab and stuck it in my closet. took me a few hours to set the whole thing up. anyways i went to school thinking everything would be ok. planed on going to the store and getting a lock for it just in case.

    me and my buddy were walking back to my house after school. then i saw it. my cab was broken down into peices sitten next to the trash can. my heart fuckin dropped. then i started hoping "maybe thats not my cab, maybe he just is throwing out some other plywood" even tho there wasnt any other plywood. lol. i walked up to it and saw my lights on top of the trash and just said "oh fuck"

    i told my friend he'd better go and went inside and ran up into my room. some how still hopeful my grow would still be there. opened my closted and my heart sank even more. wanting to avoid my dad i went to go run out of the house. as i opened the front door he was standing on the other side just given me a dirty look.( my dad can be a scary dude, standing at 6'6 and about 300 lbs.)

    i just stood there looking stupid waiting for him to start yelling or hitting or sumthin. heres how the conversation went.

    dad:i found your plants
    me: yea?
    awkward silence..........
    dad:dont do that shit again, it will get you in trouble.
    me: ok
    then he turns around and walks into the garage. the topic was never brought up again and he never spoke a word of it to my mother.
    i no cuz if he did my mom would still be bitchen at me til this very day.

    i somtimes think he tokes every now and again. one day i saw him comin out of my room not to long ago, then i noticed my big roach i was savin was gone. then heard him coughing is lungs out about 10 min later. lol
  2. Yeah I had a roommate rip up my plants when I was at the beach one time. He lied and said the cops came and did it, yet they left no paper work and left all my equipment.

  3. wow wat a fuckin dick.
  4. Wow, that sucks. Good thing yer dad's a closet smoker.
    My dad came over to my apt one time and I'd forgotten to put my beautiful bong away. He sees it on the counter and just kinda smirks. He says,"You know, if it weren't illegal I'd probably do it every day." I was like, "Fuck yah! Come on! Right now, man. I got the green. Lets smoke!" And then he left. :(
    My mom's a daily toker since the womb. She's crazy, though.
    When I first started smoking I was getting my good from my sister's boyfriend. So she knew. Guess she got peeved at me about something. So she went and tattled to my family about it. So I walk into the room all bold and I'm like,"Yah, I smoke. What of it? I'm 21. I live on my own. My bills are paid. I go to work every day and I'm never late, although I stay extra as often as possible and I don't owe anyone money. My life. My home. My body. My money. What of it?" And they were just like, "Okay...What she said." And no one ever had a bad thing to say. Instead my uncle started hangin around tellin me what other organic and natural drugs I should try. :)
  5. I had a closet grow set up and my lil brother discovered them and asked my mom why I was growing plants in my closet !
  6. I can understand your dads reaction, he's just looking out for you.

    I had this dumb chick stripper roommate that unplugged my lights for the several days I was gone because she thought they were draining her bill. Killed my plant :mad:
  7. OMG! Bitch!! I woulda beat her ass!!
  8. lol. thats actually not bad, that situation coulda ended up a whole lot worse. consider yourself lucky.
  9. that is great hahahaha
  10. that is why i dont grow while im still living with my parents

  11. Please tell me you deleted him from your friends list? :D

    You DONT mess with a mans car, girl or weed..just dont happen. :high:
  12. here's a good story...my friend was growing weed in his closet, and his stepdad found it. Here's how it went....

    Dad: "i found your plant today"
    "ah oh that plant"
    Dad: "you cant have that thing in your closet, that growlight is a fire hazzard!"
    "OH, OK, Sorry"
    Dad: "I set up the plant and the growlight in the basement for you"

    so know the plant is 7 feet tall and his mother keeps saying "it looks like marijuana" "no mom its just a science project, its some other strain of cannabis"....how much of a dumb bitch do you have to be to not know its weed:eek:
  13. The god father that was an awesome story- reminds me about my days. + rep
  14. lol wow, too bad not all of us have this luck :/
  15. Right, I wish I had that luck. Too bad theres no other form of cannibus though, I can't believe that works with a 7 footer
  16. no need for the snarky comments. i was young and stupid. we all did stupid things especially when we were teenagers.

    and i was very lucky that thats all my dad said or did. he actually came across them when putting my laundry away. he was suposed to be at work that day but was given the day off. sucked cuz the plants werent even in there new home a whole 24 hours, and were on there first day of flowering. needless to say since then i always do my own laundry. lol.

    im thinking of starting another grow but havent decided yet. still live at home im 20 now. have a lot more privacy now. no one enters my room but me for any reason ever. and security and stealthyness will be at an all time high.
  17. This will be my first post on this forum as I think that this can be inspiring for some. And for the basher's, drop it we've all done a lot of retarded things in our lives all we can do is live and learn so get over it enjoy the story or move on...

    And on with my story. And I was very, very.... VERY F-ing lucky it didn't go down very badly... kind of the story of my life...

    It was a couple of years ago I live in a guest house on my parents property. I had gotten my first grow under my belt, things were going pretty good. I had a master plan to make a little extra cash and have my own supply. I planned to have a veg area and two flower areas in a single closet to keep continues crops going with a scrog method. Being in college at the time I didn't have much money so it was always a work in progress. At just about the time everything went down I was just about finished with my setup locks, fans ... the whole 9 yards. Then came the day of infamy. I was working with my father at the time and I got to work about 6:20am and I walk in and my dad is like I need to talk to you. So we step out side and he ask me flat out if I was growing marijuana. I was floored, how would he know everything was setup perfect very quiet and all locked up. My father is a man from the school of hard knocks even though I was well over 18 at the time I was scared like I was 8 years old again. So I told him I was, no use beating around the bush. He was furious, screaming so loud spit was flying at me, a force to be reckoned with. All of the other workers were there to and I know they heard the yelling but couldn't hear what it was about because they asked me about it later, of course I didn't tell them. So after the screaming portion of my families problem cycle we got into the truck and we drove home. We went inside and he made me destroy the plants right in front of him. After all of that I learn the whole story of how things came to be. The story actually starts about a month before this day during my first grow. At that time I didn't have an extraction fan so heat was an issue so during the day I would have to leave the door open too keep the temps down. It wasn't really an issue because the door usually stayed close to that room and locked when people came over. But it was that one time... as it only takes one time to screw it up. My parents hired exterminators to spray and they had been there before and everything was fine but this time my wife and I had forgotten to lock the door and we were both gone that day. So he went into the room and I can only imagine what he thought. At that time I had two MONSTER plants that were nearing harvest time basically busting out of the closet. From what I had gathered this guy was fresh from his LDS mission and being that my family and I (at the time I was LDS, not any more) he must have mulled over it before deciding to letting his boss know. His boss then in turn called my father instead of the cops... which I am very very VERY lucky for and grateful... to a small degree. A short time later my father told me that he was very impressed with the craftsmanship of my setup up but very disappointed with its purpose. To bad he will never understand that its not evil... as the masses would have us believe.

    So my message would be don't get over excited about starting your grow... make sure you have everything setup with a back up and a back up to the back up... because there will always be seeds out there they aren't going anywhere soon...

    I hope you enjoyed my very scary moment..

    ~El Toro
  18. OMG. That's my f^cking dream in life. That's the best fair tale I ever heard!:smoking:
  19. I actually had the reverse experience. My parents are divorced and I lived with my mother for most of my adolescent life, but when visiting my dad in middle school I discovered his grow setup in the basement. It had no plants going at the time, so I forget what he said it was, but he denied it had anything to do with pot.

    I actually ended up with his grow lights years later, but they're just in storage now.
  20. LMAO
    My dad was a piece fo shit absent loser. So I hear these stories of scary ass monster dads and it's like an urban legend to me. funny story. lol

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