Have they made a Open world survival realistic zombie apocalypse game?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by IdHitItTwice, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Hey guys I recently got back into gaming. Picked up skyrim and mw3, fun to play when baked :)

    However , I've been looking for the type of game described in the title, however I have not to find one. If one doesn't exist, why? Don't they want our money? Something like this seems like it would be hugely popular
  2. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Di2eOr-kqs]Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare - Launch Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

    You need red dead redemption first but both games are fantastic
  3. [quote name='"Rollbud"']Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Di2eOr-kqs

    You need red dead redemption first but both games are fantastic[/quote]

    I've actually played this ( for a small amount of time ) it was okay but i felt the missions were repetitive and not as thrilling as rdr missions.... Idk, id also like something that has HUGE cities with TONS of sidequests and stuff. With much more deeper immersion.
  4. I really enjoy Dead Island. It's probably the game I play most. It's not exactly realistic, but it gets the message across. The physics are off a bit, but not so bad that it looks like a cartoon.
  5. [quote name='"MidwestBuds"']I really enjoy Dead Island. It's probably the game I play most. It's not exactly realistic, but it gets the message across. The physics are off a bit, but not so bad that it looks like a cartoon.[/quote]

    I'll check it out thanks for the reply
  6. Well it's not zombies exactly I think it may be of interest to you, Fallout 3 (made by same ppl who made Skyrim). It's a post-apocalyptic world filled with things fucked up from radiation.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkxC4klba_Q]Fallout 3 trailer - YouTube[/ame]
  7. The last of us is another one coming out. Ps3 only I think but I hope I'm wrong.
  8. you would definetly enjoy dead island. it lacks in some points and gets repetitive eventually but it keeps you on your toes at all times.
  9. i hated dead island, the controls and game engine felt like an n64 game to me
  10. [quote name='"Pickle McSmurf"']i hated dead island, the controls and game engine felt like an n64 game to me[/quote]

    I watched some reviews of dead island and it just looks really repetitive. However fallout3 looks fucking amazing and its like 8 dollars used. Deffinantly getting
  11. Man killing zombies gets kinda of old after a couple hundred..

    This is probably why zombie games you see are usually just add ons to other games, it's probably not worth all the trouble for such a repetitive kind of game..
  12. You could always give Dead Frontier a spin. I didn't really enjoy it cause it requires a lot of time commitment to find or get really any good gear. But it's a pretty interesting game, I'll give it that.
  13. left 4 dead!

    suprised that hasnt been mentioned , sure youve had to of heard of that game series OP?
  14. [quote name='"NotoriousCheech"']left 4 dead!

    suprised that hasnt been mentioned , sure youve had to of heard of that game series OP?[/quote]

    Not really free roam
  15. #15 420rowdyguy, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2012
    you will not be disappointed with fallout 3!!

    my favourite game

    and IMHO one of the best games ever made

    Dead Rising is awesome and never gets old, you can make your own weapons and shit and kill zombies in and around a huge mall

    and you can use anything in the mall to kill zombies including but not limited to lawn mowers, hockey sticks, red hot frying pans, hot grease, Frisbees, swords, guns and other maniacal devices.

  16. your right i dont know what i was thinking
  17. I liked Left 4 Dead 2 a lot, especially being the zombies online. I ought to go buy that game, it's probably quite cheap now
  18. Not open world, but Killing Floor is fun with a group.
  19. im downloading Dead Island right now, i hope as good as im imagining.
  20. Dead island is okay, bare minimum okay.
    To me it just not worth anytime.

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