Have the democrats been better on economics in history?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by IGOTJOINTS4YA, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. Can someone prove this information wrong, or explain to me how conservative tax cutting has not done more to help the S & P market in the last 100 sum odd years?

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  2. Bump. niice info man, plus rep.:smoke:
  3. I miss Bill. He was the best president ever.
  4. Neither parties have been wise for a long time when it comes to economic issues. The last time we were, I believe Andrew Jackson was in office... now what in the world did he do to accumulate his massive success? :rolleyes:
  5. By todays standards Andrew Jackson would be considered a conservative republican...
  6. [​IMG]

  7. Republicans usually cut taxes and raise spending... despite what they promise.

    But to explain these numbers, the parties have changed their beliefs several times, the Presidents do not control the economy, the Republicans were unlucky to be met with Bear markets, cutting taxes and spending is a myth....

    They just catch different waves of the Fed cycle... It's not like Clinton was responsible for the dot-com credit expansion in the 90s.
  8. so now that we are on the low end of the stick, it doesn't really matter who is in office, we are fucked by the fed regardless?
  9. I dunno bout anyone else, but times seemed to be infinitely better with Clinton in office as opposed to the retard we have running the show right now.

    And as someone said, Republicans always use the false pretense of "small government, less taxes" etc. to confuse simple minded people (the majority of republicans fall into this category) into believing that they will have more money and will be better off.

    What they don't tell anyone is that the taxes that are cut would go to essential things like infrastructure, education, and funding for emergency services. So while you may end up with 10 extra bucks a paycheck (big fuckin deal right?), you're roads/bridges are going to hell, teachers are being underpaid, the money typically available for essential government services is simply not there. Part of the problem with Hurricane Katrina was how underfunded FEMA was due to the lack of tax revenue, along with general incompetency.

    Taxes are a necessary evil....I'd like to have more money to spend but if they are going to take taxes out I'd rather them do it as a way to improve my daily life. Notice how republicans seem to have no issue with their tax dollars being spent in a foreign country to support a war, but get all up in arms when the money is being spent to help improve thing domestically....it's just nonsense.
  10. Republican "less taxes, smaller government" = corporate welfare

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