Have my ladies outgrown the 600w?

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by oregongreens, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. My ladies are in the middle of week 4 flowering, and have grown a shit ton.  Two different strains (as expected) are growing completely different and my canopy is a mess.
    It looks as if the spread from my 600 w HID and reflector isn't spreading enough light to the sides of the tent. To even things out, I've been moving the 600W light from one side of the tent to the other side daily, and I've put four 24wCFLs (6500K) over the darker part of the tent (pictures provided).
    1) Should I just move my light up to spread over the entire tent? Currently the lights are about 12 inches from canopy.
    2) Is the CFL even going to add any necessary light to the darker side of the tent? CFLs are about 6 inches from canapy top.
    3) Should I just get another HID (like a 400w)?
    Any suggestions are appreciated!


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