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have i been ripped off?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xRockkStarr, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Hey guys
    long time desirer first time buyer!
    so i weighed the thhing its 2 grams. it hass a bit of a smell. i paid about 39 us dollars. its pretty squishy too it feels nice ay. and its got a few stems not many. and it is sorta greeny.

    so have i been ripped off

    40 bucks for a 2 grams

    oh btw i dont live in us i live in brunei - near malaysia and u get the death penalty for having it.

    stay high:smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. Well that's pretty expensive and looks pretty mid-grade... But yeah don't get caught. Normal going price in the states is $15-$20 Gram of high end and $10 a gram in CANADIA.
  3. damnnn.... canada is doing well!
    it is prettty expensive even as a first timer i sorta thought that.
  4. hard to judge quality with that pic but if its dank you did fine if its mids u didn't do too good and if its schwag u make me sad lol jk but next time it cost you twenty a gram make sure it taste and or smells really good you can tell the difference in taste and smell way better than looks.
  5. Uh dude, how many people do you think are posting from Brunei on this site?
    Well in case you didn't notice, you might be the only one so this is question pretty much useless since none of us has fuck all idea of the cost of weed in some random asian country.

  6. thanks for the valuable insight.
    theres a fair few tokers in malaysia... so yeahh
    im just adding extra info to help u guys answer my question better... not asking you to write an essay on brunei man!
  7. yeah we should of stated our views are relative to prices near us lol.

  8. nah its okay... it helps me get a gauge of how well im doing.
  9. also move to a place where you wont be murdered for a little herb lol. we don't need you going and dying on us. although you got balls risking your life for mary jane, she appreciates it i'm sure. :smoke:
  10. theres a fair few tokers in malaysia... so yeahh
  11. Is that even weed? Looks like some bobby browns
  12. By the way......:laughing:

    If it could cost you your life, you got ripped off.:eek:

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