Hello everyone. First of all i know i should list this post in other place but im in rush, sorry. So... i ordered seeds from ministryofcannabis.com twice and never got my seeds, the customer service claims that they reshipping the order but never came. If anyone know anything about this website please share.
seed supreme . com ...is guaranteed now...they had a bad spell a year ago (managment) issues that led to some bad reviews BUT that has changed and I can vouch ...although it takes 3 days to ship out...and 1 day to respond your email....BOTH happen and you get your stealth package in the mail ...and it is what it says it is...this site you used...does have kinda the same thing ..bad reviews and some good....remember it's not easy to run a seedbank and have 1000% positive reviews...be patient pay extra for stealth shipping ...that way you can track what they sent...I wouldn't buy it if I couldn't track it...at least then you know they sent something and can see if it was intercepted by egghead authorities...pay using bitcoin which is untraceable and use a different name on the address...that way you can't be messed with ....out of 10 ONE will get pinched and have to be resent ..which is normal and part of the game ...good luck and keep us posted... Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
I did, i paid extra money and the tracking number doesn't work, been 4 weeks and says unavailable number.
FUCK in that case ...may have been a scam all together .....damnit...why would you order twice from them if it didn't come the first time....I'm gonna fuck with them and send them an email today...I'll let you know what they said ... good luck and good grows.. seedsupreme.com ...is who I use today... Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Had great luck with Nirvana and seedsman you do not want to know my MOC experience, recently been using greenpoint ordered on sunday received on wed same week! This was my 3rd order but before i brag them up i just sprouted my first run of thier gear 6 for 6 but to early to tell how good thier Genetics are been reading good things..,
Alright people, ill check out the websites you talking about and hopefully ill not waste my money on bullshit. Wish me luck.
good luck keep us posted...I will send the ministry of cannabis lies an email today ..just to see what they respond...I'll keep you posted.... Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Keep in mind greenpoint is in the good ol usa (Colorado) not sure where you are... they also take C.C. Hopefully i dont sound like a GP salesman i have no dogs in the fight...
so I just sent an email on EVERY ONES behalf as far as ministry of cannabis is concerned....I'll let you know what they said....in any case ...if they ask me for the 2 tracking numbers ....that they gave you that don't exist...send them to my email...riotourfavelas @gmail.com if it's a scam were gonna know shortly ...if not an explanation will be given....I'll definitely keep everyone posted ...I know the feeling of getting screwed by a seedbank....happened to me in 1998 with a site called ganjaland ...took my money never sent shit and never even took a minute to respond why....MOTHERFUCKERRRRRRRS Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
hey so they responded to.my email pretty fast show you later what I said.. now like I mentioned they want the order info and or the tracking numbers ...so send that to my email...when you can....let's see what the lady says. Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
yeah I know ...send me the tracking number so I can go at it with these ppl.. LOL ...I got Thier attention with my email..which isn't a lie I am employed by marijuanapassion.com so they know I'm not fuckin around... Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Youdon't need to, already sent them an email and they said my order should arrive before 14th of July. And of course its bullshit that they say to everyone to make them calm for few weeks, that's smart.
aight ...if your happy with that then I can say no more...sending them the info would at least get us an explanation....my guess is July turns into august and still nothing then ...wtf again...but ok..I did try.. good luck and good grows Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk