Ever used a liquid other than water for a bong? haha. like coke, sprite, apple juice, etc? I have this nutty idea to attempt it.
It can't be THAT bad...i mean you can always clean it out, I was just asking if anyone ever tried it. If so, does it really flavor the smoke?
Yeah I'd advise against it & just stick to water. Everytime I tried to get a little 'creative', it always ended up being a fail in one way or another.
Once we went into the woods to toke up and I forgot to bring water for the bong and we had to use those Arizona lemon flavored tea drinks....it wasn't that bad honestly. Not hard to clean out either, just pour in some 91% rubbing alcohol like usual.
I don't feel like it changes the taste much, but we were using a small bong with no ice catcher so the smoke was still fairly harsh, with a really nice bong that has percs/ice catchers/etc the taste change will be more evident since the smoke isn't harsh at all and therefore not masking the taste...up to you but I wouldn't pour sweet tea in a RooR or anything hope that makes sense
Well it's just a cheap hookah I'm smoking out of and was just an idea...I'll prolly end up using regular ol h2o.
I used Kettle One. Wanted to try it with vodka, and wasn't about to use the cheap stuff. I did notice a difference in my buzz. Would I go through the trouble to do it again? Probably not.
I did gatorade when i was a sophmore in hs, but it was in a plastic bong, and was really kinda dumb, i always stick with h2o.
I am currently smoking through ice water and boy i tell you it makes normal big hits feel like NOTHING lol. wowwww
FUCKING HELL my lighter gave me a blister!! i am getting a torch, fuck bics. then again, my bowl is a big toooo big currently :|
Dang....only time i've ever come close to having a bic burn me from it being to hot was when i was smoking resin and I had to torch that shit for like 20 seconds.