Have an actual cool cop experience.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by sfsc, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Well, he tried to be a dick at least.

    I have an uncle I've been very close to since I've been born. My dad was in and out my life and my uncle was the guy I spent time racing dirtbikes and building motors and drank beer with instead.

    Either way, me, my younger brother, and his girlfriend went to go visit him for my brother's birthday. I drank and my little brother drank (drunk -- very obviously drunk) and we had his girlfriend drive my truck home since she didn't drink. Well, she didn't know her license was expired by two days. She ran a red light and the blue lights came up.

    Pulled us all out the truck because me and my brother reeked. They immediately took her and had her sit in the cop car and asked us questions. I had a half ounce in the truck and was shitting bricks. He asked if I could search the truck, and I said yes (it was hidden well). He searched the truck and didn't find anything but rolling papers and tried to be a dick about it.

    "Rolling papers."
    "For what?"
    "Does it matter?"
    "Don't be a smartass."
    "Sorry, they're for writing notes in class."
    "Don't get smart, I know no one rolls their own cigarettes anymore."

    I know better than to be a dick to a cop but the alcohol got to me and I told him to stop being an asshole and to keep looking in my truck. He literally tore my truck apart and threatened to get a drug dog. I smiled and told him to just keep looking so we could go home. He put me in cuffs, sat me in the car, and told me if I said anything else I'd be in jail.

    They gave my brother a sobriety test (like I said, drunk off his ass) and he passed - which blew my mind. They let me and my brother go and took her off to a holding cell. He drove less than 200 feet to an ATM, we called a buddy to pick us up, we went to the police station, and bailed her out.

    I'm sorry, I know it's a wall of nothingness, I just felt so awesome when asshole cops don't get what they want/find what they want to find.
  2. doesnt sound too nice and it completely disrespects M.K.A.
  3. Man I was thinking about how I used to drive a truck....not anymore. I was going to PM you about that hiding spot :eek:
  4. I was sitting in my car in my driveway after smoking a cig. I was pretty trashed. I decided I was gonna do a circle through my neighborhood. My buddy lived a few roads down from mine in the same neighborhood. Hes street is a very curvy street. Well I decide to have some fun and I end up going about 50 down his street, tires squealing the whole way down the street to his house which is at the end, and then go around the cudasac and punch it and squeal the tires basically all the way down the street again. I call him and Im like "omgwtfbbq did you just hear me go down your street?" Hes like "yeah that was fucking loud, the asshole is probably PISSED" (theres this one crazy ass guy on his street and he hates us) I drive back to my house and park my car and sit there.

    Then I decide to smoke another cig and for some reason I drive back down my buddies street, just normal this time though. I go to the end and back, and roll the stop sign turning onto the street to go back to my house. The second I finish turning on that street I see two sets of headlights turn on behind me then blue and red light up everywhere. All I thought was "fuck, im going to jail" I pullover and they come up to my window, and of course its the cop that knows me and I fucking hate this pig. They ask me where I was coming from and going to ect. I told them I was coming from my friends. They say they got a call about a car hauling ass down his street. I told them Im sure they did, we were sitting in my buddies room and we heard the car and looked out the window and saw them almost crash. Somehow they believed it wasn't me. Then they said they could smell alcohol. I told them I had a few drinks at my buddies house but I wasnt very buzzed at all. They take me out of my car and look at me and then go back to their car and talk to each other. I ended up getting a ticket for a MIP and my tinted license plate cover. And they made me walk back to my house and leave my car parked on the street over night. I walked about half way home, then turned around and got in my car and drove it home lol

    Lesson is dont be fucking stupid like I was a few years ago. I know I could of went to jail that night for DWI because I was a minor and I would of blown wayy over the limit. I could of also got reckless driving. And whatever else the cop could think of. Sure I didnt get away completely free, but it was my "luckiest" cop encounter so far.
  5. Man, fuck that cop. Losing his shit over rolling papers? Last time I checked, it's completely legal to buy rolling papers.
  6. I thought this was going to be "this cop was cool and let it off"

    you should change it to "lol @ cops who cant search"

  7. Haha yes, where did you hide the weed? I also own a pickup truck :)
  8. It was in his ass! That's why he told him to keep looking while having a big ass grin pasted all over his face!! :p haha j/k
  9. The truck I was driving is a '99 Silverado W/T (if I had my Silverado SS I don't have any hiding spots :eek:) and I've got an aftermarket center console. Can't really help you guys stash it any.

    Basically it didn't come with one so I bought one at autozone and it fits and looks great, with the added bonus of being completely removable. If you flip it upside down, tape your bud to it, and put the console back in, none the wiser.


  10. Got caught hotboxing at Alki beach in Seattle. I was with some friends and a girl named molly...when we saw those lights I had to get rid of molly ;)

    The cops were super chill, they took one pipe and our sack (still had another bubbler and bong in the car). Saw them peeling out as we drive away haha

    Needless to say, the come up was amazing after that adrenaline rush.
  11. so because you wanted to be dick, you went and got a girl arrested? i'm totally posting this:


    take that!
  12. No, she got arrested because she had an expired license and already got caught one other time. I was a dick because I wanted to be a dick and she got arrested because she wasn't smart enough to fix her license issues.


    "take that"
  13. The other night, the sheriffs showed up at our fire pit and started asking questions.. They realized my friend was a hardcore raver, immediately nicknamed him "ecstasy", proceeded to find a bag of melatonin capsules on the ground while the real pills were in his backpack and then tested them relentlessly. They didn't end up getting anyone in trouble for anything, and when we were walking back down I said to the lady cop "Looks like you guys scored on a damn good night of sleep" (hence melatonin and confiscating buds) and she cracked the hell up.

    I'd rather have chillin' cops than get away from an asshole, but I'm sure that felt hella good :smoke:
  14. Wait, so your brother's gf, who was the designated driver I might add, got arrested, but not you guys? Seems a little fucked up...But good call on where you hid the weed. I need to look into something like that.
  15. one time me and my friends were headed to a hookah lounge 30 minutes away from where we lived and on the way, my friends car broke down. A cop came and talked to us and was really chill. I think the only reason things went well was because we didnt have weed on us at the time haha but he called us a tow truck and helped us out with it and everything. notta bad guy
  16. How you were so confident with a half ounce in the car. That shit can only be hidden so well.
  17. Correct. It was BS, but me and my brother weren't driving and my brother passed a field sobriety test (didn't have him blow, he would've failed) and I didn't - and they targeted me and my truck because of it (plus I was a dick :eek:) but everything checked out hunky dorey, so they took her for her license issue.

    The ironic part is they took away two drunk peoples DDs, and told us to go home. Drunk.

    Alcohol. :eek:

    Plus the center console is a pretty good hiding spot. I'll get a picture when theres some day light.
  18. Keep some loose tobacco with your rolling papers to avoid that shit next time.
  19. Yea that doesn't seem like a "cool" cop experience.

    I've had too many encounters with the popo to count but only been busted a couple times. Too many anyways.

    Once when me and 2 other dudes all drunk off our asses ran out of beer in the dorms and decided to do a quick run to the liquor store. We were all 18, or 19 but I had a fake (which was shittty as HELL and expired but it worked!) So we had all the beer in the back seat which was where I was sitting and apparently the moron driving had a headlight out. Well we got pulled over turning into our parking lot and it was a lady cop who came up to the window. I barley had time to cover the beer with the shirt that was just in the back seat and covered up the rest with my feet/body. She gave him a ticket for having the head light out and that was it. Cool ass cop!

    Actually just last weekend I was partyin at an apartment in a small town with quite a few people in that little ass apartment. Well we left the windows open cuz we were smoking in it (we made the weed smokers go outside and we're lucky as fuck we did this cuz we woulda been fucked if they smelled weed). Well long story short someone called the cops on us. Well I'm sittin literally one foot away from the door with a 19 yr old chick on my lap when the cops came in. They knocked and the owner just yells COME IN!! =/ They come in and immediately ask for our ID's There was only 3 ppl over 21 and I'm one of them. Well right when they asked for our ID's about 7 girls yell out I DON'T HAVE MY ID WIT ME!! lol it was strange cuz the cops just kinda sighed and said keep it down, I don't wana have to come back here. Pretty cool cops in my book!

    I've pretty much had decent cop experiences overall except for like one. I got tickets all the other times I've encountered them but they weren't as bad as they could of been and they never put me in cuffs except for the time I had a warrant for my arrest. There was no talkin my way out of that one lol. And at least the cop went out of his way to take me to the ATM.

    What do you expect ya know. They're just doing their jobs and if you're breaking the law, you're breaking the law.
  20. You do understand that Seattle decriminalized the possession of weed 5 years ago? They don't even hand out tickets for possession.

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