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Have a Vape Bros vaporizer, will a Magic Flight Vape Box be an upgrade?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hunte12, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Just as the title says, I have a Vapor Brothers Vaporizer, and I'm wondering if I were to get the Magic Flight Launch Box, if that would be considered an upgrade or a downgrade? Anyone have experience using both?

    I gotta say, I hate that I never feel confident with my Vape Bros temp because the dial varies so much, but with the MF Launch Box I wouldn't have to worry about setting a temperature.

    So please let me know your thoughts! :)
  2. yes plus you can use it everywhare apposed to just at home heats up in 5 secs and your ready to go
  3. #3 giggling stoner, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Upgrade all the way (In the sense of portability, Sorry i thought you said vapor genie for some reason), I love mine and yes the price is a bit steep but its well worth it.
  4. Thanks, I was already partially convinced, I just needed validation :D

    keep those opinions coming, though.
  5. thanks for the review link!
  6. It's not much of an upgrade and not much of a downgrade. Portable vapes vs. desktop vapes shouldn't be compared because they're made for different circumstances. I'd say at home the vapor bros but you sure as hell won't be disappointed with a MFLB.

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