Have a baby seed...need help please :)

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by nyangeloxo, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. hi im a noob! i have a seed that started to grow unexpectedly and i am planning on taking the best care of her i can. any experienced organic grower have advice on what type of soil i can get that isnt too costly?? also what about nutes etc.

    keep in mind this is my first seed so please b gentle on me..thank you ;)
  2. Hi - a large bag of fox farms for sure is less than $20. Smaller bags - lesser price. Perlite is also in-expensive, maybe $5 for a big bag.

    If you want to grow dope - then also grab a small bag of worm castings $10.

    So, for about $25 you got the worm poo, perlite and small bag of fox farms.

    Your rule of thumb is 60% soil - 40% perlite.

    Forget nutes, Go organic - run with the micro-herd.

    Hope this helps :wave:

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