Alright I'm going to try and make this as short as possible for you guys. Me and a friend go way back, her husband is the owner of this property known as "Pennhurst State School and Hospital" or this "asylum" Apparently it's very haunted and frightening there, she invited us along to go inside there and venture out and explore I guess ? The thing is I had to sign a waiver that they are not responsible for anything that happens if anything does happen. Just wondering what you guys think, this place really haunted? I'm not really scared or anything, I write so I'm always venturing through abandoned buildings up and down. Here's a video of the outside, there's plenty more that show the inside if you take a min to look on youtube. [ame=]Pennhurst State School and Hospital - YouTube[/ame]
Didn't watch the video, but is it closed down? I've been to a couple "haunted" places, but they were really scary. Anybody ever go to the Devils Tower in NJ? Its from the Weird NJ shit.
Pretty sure it's closed down, but I'm almost positive if I lived up there I could easily sneak in. I have never been to the Devils Tower but I've been to Mt Misery, It's here in NJ too. Went up there probably around 3 in the morning, I was pretty drunk but it was real creepy up there at the time.
i searched it on wikipedia. only thing it said about anything haunted is that they are opening a haunted attracyion at one of the wings. thats not really gonna be haunted though. sounds like a ploy to make money
^ Could be very true. I'll just have to see when I get there, I'm definitely going to report back with pictures. Heading up there tomorrow morning.
I personally wouldn't fuck with that place but that's because I take care of people that lived their. Its a awful evil place even if its not haunted.
Well there's a graveyard in the back full of kids I believe who were subject to horrible conditions for starters.
Well up until the early 80's most people with MR either stayed with family or got sent these facilities in sub human conditions. I think it was around the 80's or so families got sick being told there kids wont be able to function in society and formed the group home style of living. Group homes promote independent living and community involvement as much as possible as opposed to just locking them away. The living conditions and horrible treatment was sickening from what I hear the guys say. Selinsgrove (sp?) Is another bad one.
Alright blades here's the report back. Overall, I was disappointed . The guy who got me up there in the first place, was acting like a nerdy, ghost hunter tour guide . Being a graffiti writer, as soon as I got there I wanted to venture off and explore every room there was to explore, closed off or not. He was making comments like "Don't walk so close to the buildings, things happen to fall off very often, that can kill people" Nothing fell off the whole time I was there, and it seemed fine to me. Ofcourse I was respectful and wasn't going to ignore him and venture off alone, so I guess I'll just have to make another trip back there with a few buddies of mine to get the whole experience. We went in a few buildings and surprisingly explored a big section of the underground tunnels, fortunately, it was a cool sight overall and was fairly enjoyable I guess, but I do not think this place is haunted at all. Nothing happened, it didn't feel like any ghosts were fucking with me and I didn't see anything "spooky" or "fishy" going on, no sounds or nothing, just another abandoned building to check off the list that I have been in. The place is huge, definitely could kill half a day there checking shit out. Oh, another good thing is I found 3 full cans of rustoleum So maybe I did get something good out of the trip, also got some pics for you guys. Notice the camera in this picture, the whole building was complete rot but there's a camera right out side lookin' fresh. Probably being watched from a distance or something cant see it but this stencil said "alcohol ruins lives" so true.. Let me know what you guys think, thanks.
Te satanist graffiti looked pretty cool. Were you creeped out at all in there? I always feel like someone is watching me in places like that.
Search in on youtube Pennhurst State School and Hospital I'm watching you eating and crunshingg? Haha what the fuck, the place even looks scary as hell in the pictures, Don't think I would spend the night there stoned tho haha Peace. Keepontoking...