Hate it when everyone smokes..and your the only high one

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by CallmeGoku, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. So me, my gf, and our best friend decided to roll a blunt and have a good smoke last night. It was kinda of special because we had been waiting so long for a chance to all get together and finally smoke because the 2 other times we planned it my dealers were dry.
    So we roll the blunt and smoke it. Neither of them got high except me probably for the reason it was only my gf's second time really smoking and our friend must have just not got good enough hits and she is a begginer too but I felt really awkard and just strange being the only one who got high..and I mean HIGH high (twas good shit) which is why I was shocked they both didn't even feel it...
    anyone else out their feel wierd being the only high person in a group of friends?
  2. shit man I can see how that would be weird.

    Everyone around me is usually high as a mofo though.
  3. I wouldn't
    waste weed on people who don't appreciate it.
  4. It might not be that they didn't appreciate it, but they just didn't know wtf they were doing, and didn't inhale properly.
  5. Not inhaling properly is the BIGGEST buzzkill for me when it comes to smoking with noobs. What don't you get about fucking breathing or breathing in something into your lungs? How HARD is that?

  6. Haha yeah it wasn't a problem for me the first time and I had never smoked anything before that. It seemed pretty simple to me. The only thing I picked up was inhaling a little fresh air after the hit from watching my friend.
  7. slightly stoopid - couldnt get high
  8. that happens to me sometimes, its just a little sad.
    like noone is sharing this experience with my right now... bummer.

  9. Yeah that's why you start them on regs. It's good enough to get them real high at the beginning (and you'll have a nice buzz after a few bowls) and your precious danks won't be going "up in smoke".
  10. i dont get it when poeple care if other people get high of their weed its getting smoked anyway so either way you can think of it as wasting it
  11. This has never happend to me before but I can see how that would be a bit awkward..I usually blaze with people who know how to inhale and exhale though :p.

  12. Because if your smoking it and it's not gotten someone high then it was pointelessly burned. By your logic I could toss it in the campfire, and in hale over that, because hey, it's getting smoked what I mean. Is if someone is going to burn my bud and not feel high because they can't inhale I'd rather it be from a 25$ a 1/4 regs than 85$ a 1/4 dank.
  13. I understand your opinion but each to his own;)

  14. I'll smoke to that bro.
  15. Well Goku that's unfortunate for them...if you got high and they don't it means the weed don't like them...or they are unworthy
  16. That's never happened to me? Everyone gets high eventually. Atleast they fucking better LOL.

    And I do not like being high with sober people. I have to pretend to be sober (which I'm good at) but still...it's like I don't get to enjoy it as much.

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