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hasn and bong?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JarW420, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. soo i used the last of my weed today...and it turns out everyone is dry tonight except my friend...but he has only i was wondering...this might sound super noobish lol but its vuz i dont get hash often...but can you smoke it from a bong?
  2. Yep, put a little ball of it on the side of the bowl and light it but dont let the flame touch it. Its not a noobish question, youve never tried it so you ask for advice. its gonna bubble when u get it hot enough.
  3. thanks man... just to make sure lol do you have to include like weed or tobacco in the bowl or can it be straight hash lol?
  4. Actually, putting tobacco with hash is nice, but from what I hear, both of them are quite harsh smokes...

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