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Hashish - Good or menace to society?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Edge69, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. Greetings all,

    I don't know if this is more of a vent or not, but you can be the judge:

    I used to sell red-seal hashish for my step-father when I was in high school (about a decade ago), it was good stuff, soft, really potent. He told me it was from Afganistan and it that it was "way better than that African hard hash that my buddies were smoking".

    I used to sell it for 20$ per gram and 50$ per 1/8th. He told me that the hash was imported from Afghanistan to Montreal then delivered to my city by the Hell's Angels biker gang. He was also involved with bikers all the time, so I believed him.

    My mother and him have since been through a divorce, I haven't sold anything since High school. I always knew all my life that they smoked hash and grass when I was growing up in their house. When I was a teenager, I would even snag a piece here and there when I was desperate. I haven't smoked hash regularly since about 10 years ago and since then, my friends have been telling me that the Hell's Angels control the hash market, and everytime you buy hash "YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE FUCKING ANGELS!!!", so that's why I don't buy it anymore.

    To top it all of, I went to my family's camp a few weeks ago, and brought a joint of some really nice weed with me. They lit up a teeny tiny little pinner of hash mixed with tobacco for, get this, 6 of us. Did they really expect all of us to get high? :mad:

    So, I naturally pulled out my joint. Everybody gasped:

    Mom: "what is THAT, GRASSSS?????"

    Me: "uhh, yeah, why?"

    Mom: "Oh I'm allergic to grass, it makes me all congested,..."

    Me: "what? what's so good about hash anyways, do you get so much higher off of it or something?"

    Mom: "well, you see, we mix it with tobacco..."

    Me: "right...and?"

    Mom: "..."

    Me: "Hash is pretty expensive compared to grass mom, isn't it still 50 bucks a half quarter?"

    Everybody: " much was your grass?? 40 bucks a half q"

    My Aunt: "you can go a long way with 10$" (she smokes grass too, I know because I used to roll her joints for her, she hates to roll.)

    The conversation ended there, but I felt defeated, I showed up with a real nice joint and NOONE would even smoke it with me, in favor of their beloved hash. Well, at least I know who not to match up with in the future, lol.

    It's just pretty depressing, I try to stay clean by only smoking good clean grass, that I KNOW where it came from! Hash, you don't know what's exactly in it, unless you made it yourself right?

    Also, can anybody tell me if the Hell's Angels REALLY control all the hash in North America? If so, I want to throw this in there face next time they light up one of their pathetic excuse for a wannabe joint.

    Anyways, forgive me if this is a long read, but this has been on my mind for a few weeks and has been bothering me. Any comments are welcome!

    [/End Rant]
  2. I've never heard about hash and the hell's angels but they cant possible control all of the hash, a lot of people make their own.
  3. I agree, some do make their own, but often those that do keep it for personal use and don't sell it.

    So, as far as "imported" hashish goes, and not "homemade", I've been told repeatedly that it's all controlled by biker gangs across North America.

    I've also heard that the Angels control most of the Vancouver City ports. Anybody ever heard of this as well?
  4. It truly would be a bad idea to fuck with the Hell's Angels no matter what your PoV is on them. You don't know them and they are armed.

    If you're gonna smoke hash, at least buy it from a country or group of people that don't support terrorism or trap their people in a shit-hole country (no offense if you're Afghani, but there is quite a Human mess down there). Don't buy drugs from gangs or terrorists please, grow your own if you can, or buy from growers you know, or people close to growers. make those mad connects!
  5. I don't know about all the hash...but a lot of it. Especially in Canada... The Angels have their hands in everything, and they don't fuck around.
  6. buddy, i control all the hash in north america.
  7. Make your own.
  8. no not all the hash, i mean, that could be true, but
    all the hash ive ever bought was from the person that made it

    and where i come from i dont think theres any bikergangs...:D
  9. The Aryan Brotherhood controls the weed for mainly all fo california, i know that for sure but i am not sure that the hells angels controls the hash in the whole country
  10. They are one of the biggest crystal meth supplyers, idk about hash.
  11. Sweet, I'd like to order a lb. of red seal please.:smoke:
  12. I dono how people say gangs supply all the hash and bud because everyone around here grows and sells there own.
  13. That's really strange that your parents like to smoke hash all the time.

    I smoke it only when me or a friend makes it.

    But it's not just hash, you're better off buying weed from people who grow it. Better prices, better quality, and you know it hasn't been stomped on by someone's foot.
  14. id just look up some directions online on how to make it yourself -
  15. the angels have switched more to meth over hashish.

    they most likely have their fingers in all the drugs, but they go for the money makers.
  16. i wouldn't care about supporting the hell's angles.. they aren't as bad as some street gangs.

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