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Hashish Boston price?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by allthehype21, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. My upstairs neighbor has a bunch, and from what I understand, its not moving.

    Whats a normal price of hashish in Boston? If he tells me its great hashish, what should I expect to pay?
  2. I've been informed it's $40 per gram. Seems steep to me.
  3. In michigan, I managed to get some nice hash for 45$/g....imo, it was worth every penny
  4. Whenever I have hash, I usually make my own; but I recently got some nice bubble hash (almost full melt) for 30 a gram, standard pressed dry sift would be cheaper than that. That's in Louisiana, in an area with so much more pot, I think you should end up paying less.
  5. Your wording is confusing me; Louisiana grows less weed?
  6. splash out and buy a gram...if its not great, you don't have to go back.
    But if its great, then you can always get more :smoking:
  7. Sweet. Looks like I've got blade approval.

    How much do y'all smoke at a time? I generally have 3 or 4 decent/thick hits out of my bong per session w/ herbal marijuana. I don't want this thing to only last 2 or 3 sessions for $40 :eek:
  8. With Boston's proximity to Canada, availability of high quality buds (the kinds used to make good hash) is much higher, most of what floats around Louisiana is mexi-brick shit (I just picked of a half of some brick domestic). You gotta know people for real dank, and still it comes at a decent premium.

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