ok i know how to make hash when my plants are done i am going to make it into hash were i live i can only get soap bar it gets me stoned it is cheap but with the hash i make at home using the screen method will it be stronger than soap bar i am, growing white widow thanks
was up bud heres two links to making hash the first one is for an automated system www.greenharvest.com.ca/catalog/product_info.php?currency=USD&cpath=29&products_id=52 and this is for the manual www.seedboutique.com hope this helps buddy
Never made nor had hash from WW but I would imagine that would have to be some killer stuff. I would venture a guess that odds are most likely and probably the WW probably has a higher THC % than whatever the hash you bought originated from.
according to the white widow GC sells, it is 19% thc which is about what i've heard from other sources.