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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Derrick14, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I just got a hash connect and im gonna get a G within a few days for $15.
    Im fine with the price. But how can I tell if it is legit hash, I recently saw some douchebag trying to pull resin off as hash.
  2. Some hash looks kinda like resin man, even tho the word resin, defines hash technically, but thats ok, the definition of resin is long forgotten in the stoner world hahahaha. With hash, it depends on the type to really know what its going to look like. Like i said, some is black, similar looking to resin, but the smell and texture are VERY different. Some looks like golden amber goop, some is the color of kief, but all pressed into a shape of some kind... it depends greatly on the type hahahaha
  3. Guess Ill just buy it and see how it works out, if I get fucked over im only out $15.
    The guy is generally reliable, not with weed, he sells like a .7-.8 for $10.
    But Ive gotten other stuff from him that was good and reliable
  4. Here in boulder the street price for .7 is 10 bucks hahahha, and 15 for a g of hash is a fucking deal, id jump on it either way hahahahaha. If it looks like resin tho, smell it, hash, smells good, resin, obviously doesnt hahahaha

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