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Hash vs. Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GrassToke, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. So I've smoked a lot of weed, but never hash. I've always wanted hash, but I could never get it. So now I am finally able to get some, but my friend says it isn't as good as weed. I always thought hash was better than weed, and maybe he got too stoned. In your opinion, which is better, and why?
  2. I'd like to know the same thing... I might be able to get some in the upcoming days and i wonder what the high is like compared to weed. :confused:
  3. i love it. Your friend is crazy. Its just like super bomb weed.
  4. hash is the shit. I'd choose a gram of hash over a gram of bud any day.
  5. hash is ultra concentrated thc/weed. some people consider weed to be an raw material, and hash a final product.
  6. truth. the head rush is amazing.

    I've always had great success using OSG's guide to making hash for some yummy golden goodness
  7. Get the hash and make some bomb-ass space cake.
  8. hash is too potent for me lol. i smoke a tiny ass peice and im on another planet. time moves sooooo slowwww
  9. It's super concentrated weed. I highly recommend getting your hands on some. If you don't have any screens, sprinkle hash over your weed.
  10. hash is really strong compared to the green so check it, but its a pain in the ass sometimes lighting it up
  11. How exactly is hash not as good as weed when it's literally concentrated cannibinoids? OP, you're friends are either morons or they got some bunk hash. Never buy hash if it has shades of green because that indicates a concentration of plant matter which is what you DON'T want. Quality hash will be light brown(blonde) or dark brown in color and still a bit soft(should break apart fairly easily). If you've come across some quality hash you will most definitely know it after your first hit. Hash is very potent in comparison to bud so don't take it lightly.
  12. At least in a bong, hash is way easier to light up than weed. I actually have to be careful when I light it up because it starts smoking instantly.
  13. if it is bubble hash it will bubble a bit when the flame is close to it and if its real strong it will catch on fire same with butane extracted hash oil
  14. Some hash (particularily in my area) can be pretty bad. Because of the kind that goes around here, weed is more popular. It's this crappy soap bar stuff that has a lot of impurities in it.

    But if hash is done properly, I hear it can be excellent. i had pollem once which was enjoyable and lasted longer for the money than weed for me, but I found it only could get a person so high, then there's like this limit. That's just my experience.

    If I go to the dam though, would love to try some real nice hash.
  15. i found this same thing, With hash, i got the best results combining it WITH weed. I just recently picked up some high grade hash thats normally 30 a g so i never get it, but i ended up gettin a solid offer for 1.8 for 40. When smoked by itself, it was a very clear nice head high for about 30-45 minutes... but it quickly wore off. Of course i didnt smoke too much at a time, just little chunks in a small glass pipe with screen

    buuuuttttt.... when me and 2 buddies rolled up an L of just some everyday mids, i decided to sprinkle maybe a little bit all along the blunt and oh my godddddddd, the most baked ive been in quite some time. Totally retarded and a totally different experience. And that was on a 3 head blunt. So from now on i will always try and make sure i mix my hash with weed. it just... works better? at least for me that is
  16. If it's bunk hash, the only way to find out is to see for yourself, OP. Just now that GOOD hash is better than bud, but if it's shit hash, we'll maybe you should just make your own.

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