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Hash question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by petboy455, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. I was surfing this forum and someone said that if you put Kief in a small biggie and put it in your shoe and go for a walk. It would make hash per se. Any thoughts or comments?
  2. Yup I've done it once with about a g of kief.
  3. How does it work.
  4. There's easier ways to press into hash then putting it at the bottom of your Nasty shoe.

  5. The pressure from you stepping on it compacts it; I personally wouldn't throw it in my shoe though. I usually put it under the corner of my bed set or under my television which usually works for me. :smoke:
  6. Put it in a small sealed bag under your heel and just walk around the block a couple times. There are better ways to make hash though just look on youtube.
  7. yeah lol don't put it in your sweaty/smelly ass shoe lol do what killa said
  8. If its bagged right I don't see the big deal? Ans under the heel? Im planning on doing it on a day of school (Senior in HS)
  9. [quote name='"petboy455"']If its bagged right I don't see the big deal? Ans under the heel? Im planning on doing it on a day of school (Senior in HS)[/quote]

    How about instead of bringing weed to school you just put it under something heavy at your house
  10. Vice grip. sheet metal over bag with hammer.
  11. That's Gross as fuck brah!.

    How about a Book? im pretty sure it would work.
  12. Put the baggy of keif in the center of a book and sit on it

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