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Hash Pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by lapurp, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. just got an 1/8 of hash:) ready to sprinkle away on those joints

  2. Put all of of the hash in it.

    Nice hash
  3. i was thinking about that.. ive never tried a pure hash joint. Ive heard it doesent burn too well
  4. [quote name='"lapurp"']i was thinking about that.. ive never tried a pure hash joint. Ive heard it doesent burn too well[/quote]

    I was woundering same thing can you smoke pure hash joint?
  5. How much did that cost?
  6. Looks nice
  7. [quote name='"ZDG1979"']How much did that cost?[/quote]

    40. Im in missouri. Just smoked some. Really harsh but i can tell im gonna be gone pretty soon
  8. [quote name='"lapurp"']

    40. Im in missouri. Just smoked some. Really harsh but i can tell im gonna be gone pretty soon[/quote]

    40 for an 1/8 of hash..?
  9. nom nom nom.

    delicious pickup.

    and thats a good price.

    wish you had some macro shots.
  10. [quote name='"rooooooR"']

    40 for an 1/8 of hash..?[/quote]

    My apologies. 80 for the 1/8. Haha

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