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Hash on a pin - Glass method?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Fakir, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. So i live in CPH - Denmark, here ive been drowning in hash since i was a kid, but its always been smoked in joints, in bongs, or made into edibles

    today im gonna go buy some hash in a bit, and i wanted to try a new way

    so i figured id try the , hash on a pin, and them put a glass over trick, but ive never done it before, any tips, ideas and how much should i put at a time?
  2. Wudup Mang, this is how you do it,
    roll at least a gram of the hash into a ball, place hash ball on pin, light the hash like incense, (REALLY IGNITE THE SHIT OUT OF THE HASH, YOU NEED TO MAKE IT CHERRY), as soon as you see the hash letting off tons of smoke, cover it with glass, use straw to inhale the smoke.
  3. alright, got it, now im wondering, how much should i use if i got a gram of 7/10 quality hash if i wanna get the best results :D i usually mix like half a gram into a joint, but im sure half of it flies away cuz of waste

    love your avatar btw haha
  4. .4 minimum... id sugjest hot knifing.
  5. alright, well the problem is i aint got no blow torch or a gas burner, my stove is ceramic top

    alright, i guess thats it, wish me luck ^_^
  6. if you use anything less than a gram you might feel like it wasn't worth it. that's how I felt when I used small amounts.
    But MAYBE you would enjoy a .5-.6 hit, everyone reacts differently so try it out and if you don't like it, use a gram next time.
  7. Depends on the tolerance and potency. I've gotten blasted putting a .4-.5 on a pin before.

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