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hash oil

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by CHR0N1C, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. can you eat the oil that you purchase in dispensaries? or do you have to cook with it
  2. smoke it!
    unless its butter or vegtable oil lol
  3. no im wondering if you can eat it straight up

  4. No, just like you can't eat raw marijuana. Hash oil is essentially just concentrated marijuana, there is no heat-processing used in its production that would render it orally active.
  5. If its been decarboxylated yes, but it probably isnt, i would ask them if it is
  6. really? is it wastefull? like say smoking a loose blunt or is it like an edible?

  7. More like an edible, but if its decarbed correctly, you can get some ridiculous highs
  8. hahaha,put it in a firecracker :smoking:
  9. so it doesnt work like rick simpsons hemp oil? i thought hash oil = hemp oil
  10. #10 SIRSOG, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    he probably has decarboxylation in the process of making the oil. You can take any hash oil and decarboxylate it, all you need is an oven

    I just looked at rick's method, all he does is make some qwiso, and it seems since he uses heat to evaporate the iso alcohol (which is fucking dangerous as hell and unneeded if you have any patients at all) that it may be decarboxylated that way. I make qwiso a lot, and ive decarboxylated a few runs to eat and see what happened, it got me super dooper high.

    EDIT: actually now im watching his video on making it, he lets it soak for WAY too long in the alcohol, your supposed to let it soak, while shaking for about 30 seconds to a minute, any longer and your extracting waxes from the plant and chlorophyll, neither of which you want. When i make qwiso it comes out amber and generally harder than oily. I dunno, the qwiso i make costs me like 5 bucks to make, and is generally better than the 70 dollar a gram oil i find at dispensaries hahahah
  11. isn't rick simpsons hemp oil made with a pressure cooker?:confused:

  12. He makes a big batch of qwiso, then uses a dehumidifier/ heat to purge off the alcohol, and if you ask me, using heat and not letting it just evaporate by it self, leaves behind a NASTY taste of some ISO, if you just run it, and let it run its course, you get such a high quality batch of amber yellow/green hash.... its amazing

  13. he says somethin bout a dehumidifier lol in the vid i watched
  14. okay,i'll take your word for it :smoke:
  15. My dispensary stocks a non-butane decarboxylated extract called "gold thc". The gold makers do supply several dispensaries, so ask yours about it.
    Many patients just put it straight in melted butter, and apply that to whatever food they want, no cooking required.

    I'm thinking Rick is going for a whole plant extraction, considering anything present in the plant to be possibly beneficial.

    The aim is to get all the helpful elements out of cannabis, not just a high THC extraction.
    While plant waxes aren't medicinally active, a longer extraction probably grabs more terpenoids and cannabinoids than a THC oriented extraction.
  16. I made a rather large batch of BHO for my brother. He took it orally and would get wasted. :cool: :smoke:

  17. Yea it looks like he is, i mean, the only reason people dont like it that way, is cause it tastes like shit! hahaha still gets you high as hell tho. As for taking oil and making it into food without cooking, you can get high eating non decarboxylated THC, it just has a much less strong effect. For example my first batch of qwiso, had a good yield, probably 2 grams (didnt put much into it) i ate probably .25 of a gram, and got a good high going, second batch, was much larger (it wasnt a 2nd run, it was a new batch, a few weeks later) probably 5 grams, i decarboxylated this one in the oven after it was done being made however. Then i ate roughly the same amount, and it destroyed me. Without reaching a temperature to change the isomer of the THC molecules its much less active when eaten, of course when you smoke it the heat from the flame does it automatically so its kind of decieving
  18. You can cook it into butter/oil like you would to make budder. I made some bomb mhashed potatoes last week
  19. excuse me???? Hash oil is generally heated to remove the solvent unless your making BHO. Mine boils for about 4 hrs in the alcohol I use for the extraction. It is also very edible though most of us cut it with a vegatable oil before we do. Makes it more absorbable.

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