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HASH noob + cooking questions!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Junglism, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hi everyone,

    So I rarely hear about Hash (I actually know very little about it), but I'm looking to do some cooking and I figured that Hash dissolves easily into oil (or so I've been told). I have a few questions if you all wouldn't mind answering them! :)

    -Is HASH harder to obtain than Herb?
    -What are the general prices/sizes?
    -Is there a basic guide to cooking with Hash? Are the principles/combustion temperatures the same as Herb?
    -How long will the THC stay "fresh" or useful after it's been dissolved?
    -How long does the high last? Is it more or less potent than making your own concentrates?
    -Can I get Hash at Dispensaries or is it it easier to find other "concentrates" for Baking?

    That's about it, thanks in advance for the help!
  2. Help please? :)
  3. One last bump?
  4. you should probably just buy some herb and make some hash. check the stickied thread with all the guides in it. I believe Hashmouf has an amazing tutorial in there.

    hash is sold more expensive than herb, cause you don't get all the extra plant matter, so you'd be more efficient to buy herb and convert to hash. iso works fine enough and it's a pretty simple concept, just follow the guide.

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