Hash in Israel

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Poobles, Jun 24, 2006.

  1. I go down to the corner market to buy a pack of smokes. I notice they have Hookahs (which lead to my question earlier about tin foil) so I chat it up with the guy 'cause he speaks English. And I ask him if pot is legal. Of course I knew the answer was no, but I couldn't just be like "I NEED SOME POT!!!!!!!" He said he wished and we laughed both knowing the other person smoked. So I pussy foot around with kinda asking about where to get some and he goes in his awesome broken English, "maybe when I get off" but I just went home and went to sleep 'cause he didn't get off for a while. The next day I walk in and we chat it up, I buy more smokes and I give him my hotel number. 12 O'clock that night right when I'm about to go to be he calls. So I'm like, awesome, run down there and we have a smoke, then go up to my room to smoke weed. Well, I thought we were gonna smoke weed, but he busts out a nice bag of hash. Rolls up 2 joints for me and we relax and smoke 'em.

    We talk about life, and what his views on things our, it was nice. He gave me some good perspective on moving in with my girlfriend, and College and stuff. Then he left, I offered to pay and he refused.

    I was buzzing like hell. Before I left I was an every day smoker. And hadn't smoked for about 5 days 'cause I couldn't find any until then. So he tells me and my cousin to go out 'cause last night was the night to party. So we did. We didn't party 'cause I hate that when I'm high...I just hate partying in general but that's besides the point. We decide to go to this nice bar where there's couches and basically soft core porn on a huge tv. We order some drinks (She isn't 18 so I had to order hers, but I don't drink so I gave her mine) and get some bomby fucking food. Omg. It was amazing. Sitting there eating exotic amazing food, high out of my mind, watching basically soft core and lounging right by the Mediterranean Sea. It was the most chill night of my life and just wanted to share. If I get no responses, 'cause it doesn't sound that cool to you, it's okay, but it was great for me. And then I got back to the Hotel and somehow managed to get the busted TV to work and I instantly turn on a Red Hot Chili Peppers video. Perfect night. That is all. Blaze one for me 'cause I'm out again! Unless that guy comes back :p

    Thank you for listening!
  2. Israel's the shit.
  3. Dude that's bad ass...

    But yeah, I hear Israel is saturated with hash and ganja is a bit difficult to find.

    But sounds like an awesome night, I'd be lying if i said I wasn't jealous :)
  4. That sounds super chill. I really wanna smoke some hash some day...
  5. oh well, if you cant get weed, get hash. one or the other, as long as it gts you high. so, was the high any different than a typical weed high?
  6. It was a way more hazzzzyyyyy high, you know? Scored an 1/8 of bud over here. Apparently it's supposed to be "top grade stuff" but the stuff looks like mids at best. Oh well, it's something and what can you really expect from a desert with a war going on and police in every city.
  7. Sounds chill as fuck to me. Right on bro.

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