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Hash in a joint?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by VikingToker, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. How would you do it? Just mix it with cigarette tobacco or something?
  2. Ew no. Just roll a normal joint and sprinkle some hash on top? Kinda a waste though, use a bowl instead..
  3. "Normal joint"? I only have hash, no weed.

    Planning to smoke at a party, too, joint is the only option.
  4. i wouldnt mix it with tobacco, just taste like shit.

    Roll a joint, SPRINKLE some hash on top some bud, and enjoy it
  5. Dude, make a fruit pipe. That hash joint will burn down to nothing in no time.

  6. "Some bud"? Again, I only have access to hash and cigarette tobacco mate.

    I'll look up fruit pipe :3
  7. can't you just smoke it old school Cheech and Chong style of a safety pin or something. You could hot knife it but you need something to catch the smoke.

  8. oh, then tape a apple and smoke from that

    to make a apple pipe

    1. get a pen, and push it through the top of the apple, and go down about halfway

    2. remove the pen, and make another hole on the side, but this time go all the way through.

    3. put the hash on top, cover one of the side holes with your finger (this is a carb), and your mouth on the other side.

    4. light the hash, and smoke it up :smoke:
  9. Lot's of people mix it with tobacco. I do even though I hate the tobacco, but it get's the job done.
  10. Or then simply buy a 5$ metal pipe?
  11. You know how if you're spinning a joint with tobacco you would grind your weed up, empty it out on a surface and then mix it up with tobacco, then put it in the paper?

    You can do that with hash, just pull off some tiny pieces and mix em up through the tobacco, blend and mix that shit up ho!

    Then just put your hashbacco mixture in a paper and roll it up.


    You can make a joint with tobacco, and before you roll it sprinkle pieces of hash over the tobacco, then tuck and roll.
  12. Roll it with tobacco, who cares?

    Hash doesn't taste as good as weed anyway (IMO), and since you've got no bud... Better than fucking around with apples trying to make a pipe.
  13. Mix it with tobacco, I dont get why everyone bitches about this ive always done it and so has every weed smoker ive ever met.
  14. Really, its that hard to just go get a hash pipe?
  15. U.S is different. Yes fine just mix or sprinkle ontop tobacco. It's the opposite, uk everyone really mixes with tobacco and u.s majority don't it seems
  16. no these guys are dumb, people smoke hash joints with just tobacco and has all the time.

    just break off little pieces of hash, mix it with your tobacco and then sprinkle little broken off bits on top and then roll it
  17. I personally find hash easier to roll with than weed itself (although after time and practice both are very easy and second nature). Instead of playing with weed to shape it in the shape of a joint before rolling, just 'mold' the hash into that shape and there you go, you saved a step.

    IMHO: Hash always goes in a piece though.
  18. Mix it with tobacco, jesus christ man, job done! It is def the best way to go about it, don't fanny about with shitty pipes and what not. :D
  19. You can make hash papers...

  20. Solution: Hot Knives that joint needed

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