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Hash from cleaning my pieces?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BakerBear, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. a friend of mine says he makes hash from cleaning his pipes (something about alchohol traps the THC from the resin)

    Can anyone give me a guide or similar advice on how to do this?
  2. LOL

    thats resin bro, dirty tar, not hash
  3. this computer is too slow for me to find one, but it is called QWISO hash. you can make it with anything that contains thc. (stems, trimmings, male plants, resin)
  4. the resin is not hash, he is saying to extract the thc from the resin, leaving the tar behind
  5. thats a shitty plan....
  6. using the alcohol from cleaning your pieces wouldn't really help if you mixed it with hash. It would be less pure and only make it slightly more potent.
  7. how come? thc is all the same, alcohol soluble.
  8. ya and when you mix alcohol into resin it becomes a black stanky liquid. Evapourating that will just leave you with resin back the way it started.

    kav wtf are you even talkin about lol

    you cant extract the thc from the resin with a solvent that dissolves them both dude

  9. you soak the resin in iso alcohol. thc is alcohol soluble so the thc all disolves into the alcohol. the tar is not alcohol soluble so it remains as it is. you strain the alcohol onto a baking sheet. all the thc that dissolved into the alcohol stays on the baking sheet and the iso all disolves, leaving the thc behind.
  10. the tar actually is alcohol soluble, thats why you clean your pieces with it.

    your definitely talking out of your ass ahahahah

    ur just going to end up with resin so you might as well have simply scraped your piece :p
  11. #11 BrewCityLegend, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    Do you like resin? "Hash" made from pipe gunk is basically just resin. However, if you want to do it it's pretty simple, here are the steps:

    1. Dissolve all of your pipe gunk in Iso-propyl alcohol (the highest% you can get) or acetone. You can also let your pipe soak in your solvent of choice (iso/actone) to remove the resin you can't reach to scrape.
    2. Since almost all of the res will dissolve, you don't really need to filter anything. However, if there are still undisolved particles in your iso or acetone filter the liquid through a coffee filter and throw away the particle waste.
    3. Let the liquid evaporate. Do this in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. The fumes will be flamable, so don't do this near open flame or heat
    4. Scrape up whats left after it evaporates with a razor blade. With pipe res, you will be left over with a stinky smelly sticky oily gunk that is a bitch to work with. But it will get you high. Maybe not super-high, but resin-high.

    EDIT: You've gotten some good replies while I was writing that.

    Kav2 - That doesn't work, everything in resin will dissolve in Iso or Acetone. It is basically just a way to change the consistency of res.
  12. I know you can do this, but is it really worth it for only a slight difference in potency.
  13. How old is your friend?

    Hes dumb, you will not get hash from cleaning a dirty piece.

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