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hash expire date

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lman_15, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I'm at university right now in a town outside of Toronto (where i'm from).. so it's hard for me to find luxury smoking material (hash and kush).. down here i can get goood kronic just not kush and hash is virtually impossible to find.. anyways i have a connect accept i can only grab an ounce he won't do less nd its for $300 which is relatively pricey but if the hash is good i don't really mind.. my question is how long will hash last before it loses potency or goes bad, if its just double bagged in a ziplock? also, can i put it in the fridge or freezer to keep it fresh for later use (2-3 months later)?

    and i'll apologize ahead of time because i garuantee someone already made a thread about this but i cudn't find anything.. also i'm investing $300 so i wanna make sure i get reliable info.. anyways sorry if theres already a thread about this
  2. wow thats a good question.

    I dont know too much about hash but generally its not good to freeze your weed, it may hold some creedence to that.

    But check it, bag it up and put it in a jar. It wont go "bad" so long as its like that.
  3. 300 an ounce is pretty standard for good hash in the Greater Toronto Area. Hash can last for years if stored properly. Just put it in a mason jar and it will be fine.

    Make sure the hash is legit before you give him your money because that deal seems kind of sketchy to me.
  4. May 23, 2011.

    Best used before.
  5. just seal it airtight and it will still be a great smoke 20 years later.

  6. lol!!!!
  7. It should not have any expiration date - just make sure it doesn't grow mold.
  8. just make sure its legit
  9. You want to always store herb(or hash or watever) in a dark, dry and cool place.
    The best storage container is a glass mason jar(the type with the 2 part lid), NOT just any jar. Make sure to clean it very well completly, then dry it and let it dry out openly for a day in a clean place. You can then just store it in a drawer in a dry, cool area.

    I would try out some of this hash first to see if its any good. If the dude wont let you try it or spend less then 300 bucks then he is def tryin to rob you.
  10. Seriously. I'm getting mad drunk and stoned the day before

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