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Hash but no bud

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by dltoke, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. So I wanna wake n bake tomorrow but I only have hash, no bud. How do you suggest I consume? I have a nice glass pipe if needed
  2. Glass pipe is probably the way to go then... Unless you wanna heat up two knives! That would probably be better, but the bowl should do.
  3. use the pipe :smoke:
  4. ya but is harder if you don't have another person when using knifes so i say pipe
  5. i've had only hash bowls before, its good
  6. Go out and get some cigs. Crush up a bit, mix, and roll.
  7. You should definitely smoke it.
  8. knife hirts in no way need two ppl

    stove to get knives hot
    cut off top of two liter
    hold two leader top in moutth
    pick up on knife1 drop on hash
    pickup knife2 smash hash under two liter

    do this by the counter so u wont drop hash on ground incase u miss knife
    if need be i summtims sit on counter instead of standing up

  9. no you don't need two people but it is a lot easier with 2 people

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