Has this ever happened to you?

Discussion in 'General' started by MrGanjaMan805, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Have you ever been so high that you forgot where you are? this happened to me yesterday for the first time. I was driving down a wilderness road and i completely forgot where i was and where i was trying to go. i had to pull over and chill for a min until my memory came back. and yes, i was high as hell
  2. Can't say I have.
    I forget what day it is sometimes that's about it.
  3. When that happens I'm normally just like, "Im too high right now" and wish i hadn't smoked so much
  4. haha yeah on 4/20 4 years or so ago i was rideing home with my friend and i told him to take me the complete opposite direction of my house. luckly he knew where iived and got me there :)
  5. Nah. I've went to sleep high and woken up not knowing where I was tho. But I seem to be kinda outta there when I wake up anyway. Sober or not. I used to wake up for school, grab my toothbrush, put it in the fridge, then go sit on the toilet and rest my head on the tissue roll next to me :laughing:
  6. This happened at a friends house one time.

    We were all smoking alot and I'm pretty sure we ate some edibles.

    Was sitting on the couch and got up to take a piss. After pissing was initiated I got complete amnesia. Could not for the life of me remember who's house I was in, who I went there with or what I really was doing, besides pissing.

    It was kinda creepy in a sense.. faded off then I went back into the living room. Interesting experience to say the least lol

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