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has this ever happened to anyone?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by headie shot, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. first of all its great to be able to post here, i have been coming here for a few months and just today made an account...but anyway once and a while i get a friend over to smoke with but on 2 accounts things dident go so smooth. both people i were with ( 1 person , 2 diffrent times ) started freaking out when they smoked my weed, now both told be they smoked all the time so im like cool and invited them over. they would smoke and the first person ( a girl ) started crying and acting all weird, that kinda ruined my good time. now the 2ed was a a kid i know smokes all the time, but he freaked out and started saying that my weed made him feel diffrent and that he wanted me to take him home! ( it was snowing too lol ). now i dont think it was laced because 2 houres later i drove him home no problem, and i have been going to the same dealer for about 6 months and havent noticed anything my question is is my weed just dank or were those kids freaking out just random and happened to be within 2 weeks from eachother ( and my weed wasent from the same stash )
  2. Sounds like the girl was lying, and hadn't smoked much, if at all, before.
  3. Was is dank bud?

    If so, maybe they weren't used to it.
  4. post some pics of the bud.

    Did you notice any strange taste or smell from the bud. Anything chemically or metallic?
  5. mystery be a mystery .
  6. well no, i smoked with the girl before it was just really weird. oh and it was headies btw. now the kid i was with said we smoked headies all the time before that and my guess was that his dealer was ripping him off and selling him crap weed
  7. ya thats what my guess was, but it was kinda extreme he wanted to to bring him home
  8. I used to freak out when I'm high, but as I gained experience, I sort of learned that if I take it slow and minimize stuff that stresses me out, I can manage it pretty well. Maybe next time they freak out, tell them to calm down and distract them with a video game or something.

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