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has there always been dank?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by inestor93, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. i was talkin to my grandpah & he said the weed we have today is much more potent than the weed he smoked back in the day..1950's..around there..thats why he jus smokes my question is...was there just reggie back then?..reffering to jus one type on strain...or have people been mixing strains since the beginning of time having variety of strains with higher THC levels?..jus curius.:smoke: keep blazin
  2. The "dank" then was probably just as potent as the reggie now. People mixing genetics and such things are more common now then they were then, the technology is also more advanced. Which provides with more accurate measures of thc% and what not. I dont know too much about that stuff but it seems logical that in the 50's it must have been much harder to achieve the quality of cannabis we have today.
  3. #3 mwtokin', Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    Well if you think about it, weed evolves just like humans. So if we take the fastest runners and kill everyone else, we have a population of fast runners. That doesn't mean they don't have the possibily of being born non-fast, but they will get killed if they do so it doesn't matter. People will keep getting faster and faster, and soon people that were once considered "fast" aren't anymore.

    Breeders take their best strains and give them to the public. There is no point in wasting their time on a strain that sucks. So over time all the crappy strains have been put the the side, and people keep passing on only the best genetics. New equipment/fertilizers has allowed growers to maximize THC, also, the more science we learn about marijuana, the better it gets, like most anything.

    A marijuana plant grown for harvest has a life of maybe 6 months max, since 1950 there has probably been 1000's of generations of weed.

  4. Evolution doesn't occur that fast. Growing techniques and indoor grow operations have contributed to the levels of THC, not specific strains that contain higher THC levels. Sure crossbreeding helped to procure those strains that DO produce very high levels, like 20%+, but you could take a shittier strain and still procure 12% out of it if you grow it properly, have adequate nutrition and adequate lighting.

    Plus, there has been about 120 generations of weed if they have a 6 month grow period, even with a 3 month grow period thats 360 generations since 1950, not 1000s.

    Also, there has been findings in China of top shelf bud dating back thousands of years ago.

    In the 50s/60s, outdoor growing was more common since lights were expensive and not as high tech or readily available as what we have today. We even have lights readily available for specific light spectrums more suited to growing better buds. But there was still indoor grows and high end bud back then, just more than likely your grandpa was smoking the more common bud, mids and the such.
  5. ^^oh yeah.

    there definitely were some potent strains back in the day. ide love to get ahold of seeds from the 50's or earlier.

  6. I know right. Jamaica has had very potent sativa strains for hundreds of years. They might be seedy and stemy, and not high in THC, but potent ass strains none the less. I'd love some of dem genetics. :cool:
  7. #7 mwtokin', Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    Depends on what you consider evolution. Can human interaction produce an alternative form of evolution?

    Couple of things from this Popular Mechanics link:


    So plants already evolve faster. With human interaction that only selects the dankest plants, how is this not a form of evolution? In regards to the generation comment, I was thinking the same. However, if a grower produces 100 seeds, and those 100 seeds are sold to 100 different people. If those 100 people breed each seed with a different plant, isn't that creating 100 entirely new generation paths? So it's probably way more than 1000.

    Also I read The Secret Life of Plants, which is about how scientists conducted experiments on plants that show that plants not only have memories (Can remember someone who clipped their leaves, and sent distress signals whenever that person entered the room), but also communicate with other plants and are somewhat aware of their environment.

    The Columbians selectively bred the coca plant to be resistant to herbicides sprayed by the United States to cut down on cocaine production.

  8. #8 OhioStateBuckeyes, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    lambs bread is one of the best smokes ive ever had. completely amazing. i know people that will pay good money for a clone of original LB genetics. in my area, however, it cannot be found :( .

    maybe one day!


    true evolution is without human interaction. i personally hate human interactions on genetics, like GMO food, or mutant food, but thats a different ball game. strains may have gotten more potent because us humans have been selective with breeding, but you better believe there were some potent genetics back in the day. i mean, come on, think of how many plants there are out there! one out of millions has have to had significantly better genetics than others.

  9. Keep searching!

    And also at mwtokin, I will agree that you are correct on the evolutionary aspect of strains, but the genetics of the plant only come into play with setting the max THC and cannabinoids potential.

    But the cause of the higher THC levels in todays average sack is not because of evolution of strains. Outdoor vs Indoor plays a much bigger role. A lot of people are growing high potency bud today, whereas 50 years ago only the knowledgable and select few were trying to grow it. And most of those knowledgeable people were growing for themselves, not selling.
  10. #10 mwtokin', Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    I understand the definition in the science world of 'evolution' is very exact. However, if we come on this earth (from this earth) and make altercations, should that be considered an alternative form of evolution? After all, we are 100% nature ourselves, we are part of the environment and we do interact with plants and effect their outcomes, even if it is highly unpredictable.

    THC potency has increased, how much this has to do with selective breeding, and how much the traits have been altered to favor potency over time is a mystery for now.
  11. #12 mwtokin', Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    Thats really just a mutation. Evolution is generally regarded to as a bunch of tiny changes over a series of time. That time is variable, though. If that species makes it through reproduction or not (if mutations are beneficial). If it is beneficial, passing on the genes to a greater population, then that is evolution.

    Evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  12. I don't remember exactly where i read it (it may have been on gc somewhere even) so forgive me for not giving any link as proof, but Fem seeds are made by crossing a female plant with a hermie.
  13. im telling you grandpah is 90 i let him hit a rillo filled with some good was a one hitter quitter for him..hah..but reggie still gets him blown!...didnt realize how much our herb has evolved over time.. appreciate all the knowledge bein dropped in order to clear things up for me....keep blazin!
  14. Source
  15. i see where you are coming from. i think we are all correct, because it all boils down to what ones definition of evolution really is. its like the same thing with native plants; during caveman times, if seeds were carried from russia through alaska and into the americas, than would the plant be native? the species wasnt from around the area, but many botanists consider these plants native because the plants were there before taxonomy was introduced to the world. just an example of how variations of a word can change from one individual to another.

    but thats getting into philosophy. all in all, yes i think there was dank back in the was extremely rare and not nearly as prevalent as now, and yes through human selection we have chosen better genetics, but i definitely think there was some around. maybe like (estimation) a 1/4 ounce of dank per 5 tons of weed....i definitely think there was SOME out there.
  16. My dad does the same, he always brings home little 20 dollar baggies of regs. I remember hoping that because he smoked I could blend my smell in and he'd never be sure, but I usually smoke top shelf indicas which smelled 100 times danker. I dunno what the facination with that stuff is, I'm not against smoking it be any means but it just can't compare to other tasty and more potent strains.
  17. Fem seeds aren't chemically modified you can just let a female go past it's harvest date so it hermies and then cross that pollen with a female plant..all the silver does is stress it faster so you can get it to herm right away..they aren't hard to produce either

  18. i feel you man..when u can smell your pick up tru your pockets ou know you got some goood shit,,haha..
  19. #20 nomoredoubts, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    The stronger the better always as long as the strain is a solid strain grown right everything is good.

    A badly grown high thc mish mash criss cross unstable strain will fuck any one up these strains are what cause the whole 30 times stronger scare mongering.

    Your Grandpa would be fine with a good solid strain of dank no problem start off small work your way up and smoke less in the mean time cant see the fuss about the whole strength thing.

    In my opinion sometimes weak strains fuck with your head more than dank its as if you cant settle because your never stoned enough.

    There has always been dank but I cant see it getting any weaker though and in 50 years time dank will be reggie and we will all be smoking insane hash oils, mmm.

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