Has anyone used the Palm?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by JayJaybird, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. #2 Deleted member 281310, Mar 22, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
    I thought you were gonna ask if anyone has ever used there palm to smoke. anyway no i havn't
  2. I thought it had something to with being lonely.  
  3. Without getting into it, I wouldn't buy any of the Palm vapes. If you're going in that direction, get yourself a MFLB. I tried both Palms and there basically just a rip off of what the MFLB does but the Palm doesn't work nearly as good (along with the shady build quality). Just my opinion on them from personally using it and I am aware that lots of people have one and like it but those people I find saying that bought the Palm as a first vape and never was able to compare it to other products in that price range that work much better.
    Peece and have a good one.

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