Has Anyone Noticed........

Discussion in 'General' started by TickTockCroc, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. .... Ok I don't buy white owl blunts at all (I've only ever bought one once, im more of a swisher/game person). I got some white owl cigarillos today...only to fully take note of the White Owl logo...

    Has anyone else noticed how creepy and demonic looking the owl is.. its like.... staring right at me..... since when do logos LOOK at you.....

    LOL i just googled the logo.. see!

  2. You see how open those fucking eyes are? No way is that owl stoned. He's staring into your soul telling you not to tear him apart or else he will disembowel you and pour acid down your throat.

    Then you gut him and fill him with weed, get him high, and he turns into this:
  3. it's only because it's an owl. have you ever seen an owl before? they are creepy fucking animals.

  4. This guys got it right!:smoking:
  5. hah i used to love white owls and I dont think I ever noticed.


  6. this owl peers into my soul
  7. ^woah, that's a badass owl. i bet he fucks shit up.
  8. he killed the guardians of gahool or whatever its called, and then ate them. Only after raping their souls!!!!!!!!
  9. woah......... definitely not an innocent owl

    on the other hand, it provided me with a nice blunt!

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