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Has anyone heard of Poppers

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by cannabission, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. Poppers are a huge thing in Northern Ontario where I live. Basically what a popper is, is you take a metal bowlpiece you get from any headshop, take the top bowl off so you're left with a tube, you then rip a little bit off of a cigarette, then stamp the top with weed and hit it. It's such a huge thing in my city i'd be surprised if not a lot of people heard of them

  2. tobacco is gross.
  3. I've never heard of someone doing that, or seen it. What's the purpose of it?
  4. Never heard of it and would never do it. 
  5. I would do it, and I have heard of it before

    Bird + Weed + Papers = Good time
  6. Sounds nasty
  7. thats not what poppers are around here
  8. urban dictionary says its a gay butthole thing
  9. #9 lazytoker, Nov 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2014
    Yeah... I've heard people from Canada and places in the UK etc. talk about it for years. That's one nasty ass thing that you don't see in America very often.
  10. ya!
    a popper is when you let your buddy take a monster bong hit, waite for 5 or 6 seconds when he is just about to cough up a lung and then sock him in the testicles and yell "pop goes the weasel biotch!"
    It is NASTY.
    ..."kids" do it because they think they get more "f@#$ed up".... tobacco smokers do it because they are tobacco smokers.
    B. tobacco without a filter?
    ...OP let me give you a heads-up, since I have seen people after months of consistent "popper" use, you don't want to go down that road....that n.a.s.t.y. cough, the way they tell me they feel, etc.
  12. Yea, these two guys I met during a party introduced me to "poppers", I tried one and I didn't like it at all.
    I quit smoking previous to that so I got a pretty heavy head buzz.
  13. From Southern Ontario and people here call it the same thing. I've never done it though - not into smoking tobacco. 
  14. Bloodboogers dictionary: "Poppers" noun. Amyl or butyl nitrate, a vasodilator used by gay men , usually on the dance floor, hugged up to their hairy boyfriend wearing a leather bikers ensemble , gyrating to the hip sounds of the scissor sisters or frankie goes to hollywood. Relax, dont do it...seriously....dont.
    Also: verb, a very gay Canadian/Eurotrash way of ruining good weed by adulterating a totally delicious and non toxic substance with a known carcinogenic and noxious material, notably tobacco.
  15. #15 dankness420, Nov 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2014
    From Ontario as well, used to do them all the time.  The point of it is to use the tobacco as a screen and only burn the herb on top and pull it through, that way you are not pulling through unburnt weed, thus saving bud.  Plus they do get you fucked up.
    All about that pure now since I don't need to conserve bud.
  16. I have heard of jalepeno poppers whoch i enjoy. Your version of poppers i don't think i would enjoy
  17. I know in Europe we would smoke 'spliffs', which was 1/4 baccy and the rest mary, but that was so we could smoke in public and not get mad looks haha. 
    Ever since I've been back in the US though, I've never seen anyone using baccy in anything. 
  18. this is a Ontario thing tho
  19. lol....those are the amyl nitrate poppers. Totally different than what this dudes talking about.
    Sounds retarded. If you want to mix tobacco and weed, why not just get some tobacco, some weed and roll it in a joint?
  20. My friend visited Canada last summer, and said that people literally ONLY smoke poppers. He described what it is, seems weird to me haha. He says girls have their poppers in their purse, each have their own, around their neck sometimes.

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