Has anyone heard of Dyatlov Pass incident?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by UU_ood, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Dyatlov Pass incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pp6POvlER4]YouTube - Stuff They Don't Want You To Know- Dyatlov Pass[/ame]

    A group of 9 hikers went missing. Their tent was found ripped apart. The first 2 bodies were found barefooted in underwear. The others were found under 13 feet of snow. They had internal injuries (broken ribcage, fractured skull) but no external injuries. One was missing his tongue. Their clothes was also found to have high radiation levels.

    The most convincing theory seems a biological testing followed by avalanche but then why were they nearly naked and why were their footprints in tact. Also, wtf at the missing tongue. :confused::confused:
  2. You've never seen the movie yeti have you....

    The fuckin yeti got em.
  3. Forgot about him. Could have also been aliens.
  4. its a cover up.:devious:
  5. From now on we know snow men exist.
  6. Heard about it several years ago. Having travelled through Russia myself, I can assure you that certain forested areas are just downright eerie. She is a vast, VAST land. Who knows what's out there, or who's been visiting?
  7. Turns out, after intensive investigations, it was found the woman was just on her period.
  8. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M098wz3fnfo"]YouTube - Chewbacca Sound Effect[/ame]

  9. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcINKQ4bzEQ]YouTube - S.O.D - Pre-menstrual princess blues[/ame]
  10. my guess is that they fucked with the wrong guy

  11. prob zombies, no big deal.

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