Has anyone grew or seen here a succesfull harvest using aluminium tape or foil?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by joef_gr, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Hello,
    because i dont have enough money for now to keep spending it on my box only,i used a reflective aluminum tape i had.and i sealed everyspot in my box.

    I know thats a bad idea but will it work?like not miracles,but will i get a healthy ok plant going?
    have you grew in aluminum foil or tape or seen another healthy plant that grew with it as reflective material?
  2. thanks man,it seems it worked for him.
  3. aluminum tape is expensive why not use styrofoam sheets real cheap
  4. I already used a whole roll of 50 feet tape. but since every post i read here everyone is like ''aluminum is the worst!"
    thats why i was asking to see if anyone tried it and succeded.

    I used about 3 sheets A4 printer paper and I just randomly covered some of the box with them.but there is still alot of tape spots. its about 60% paper 40% aluminium.

    But now it doesnt seem bright at all! before my eyes hurt if i focused on something in the box for 3-4 secs. Now i can even focus on the light bulbs themself and I barely twitch my eyes to see.
    should i take the paper down or is it more reflective this way?
  5. People say Aluminum foil is bad, because it burns holes in your plants.. Now I'm not saying this is true or false.. But I would like for some one to show me where Aluminum foil burnt there plant..

    The only thing I can see aluminum foil doing is keeping the heat in the grow box and cooking it that way, Other then That I honestly think you will be fine using aluminum foil.

    But I would put Mylar up, It's cheap.. Ebay :)
  6. thanks man!
    Im trying to avoid ebay so im running around all day from store to store.
    Ill try with aluminum then.its my first grow,so if it burns the plant,ill get mylar for the second grow.

    But should i take the sheets of paper down and just leave the tape? because i dont see these papers to reflect anything!
  7. i'm thinking if you keep the aluminum off the plants it won't burn em.
  8. Ya i think at least for the first 2-3 weeks the tin foil will be about 3-4 inches away from the plant in any direction.If i see burning or yellowing Ill put back the paper.

    Thank you everyone!:hello:
  9. aluminum foil is one of the worst way to reflect light. a roll of mylar costs $10-$20. aluminum foil dosent reflect light that the plants can use. If you cant afford mylar paint the walls white
  10. Anyone know where you can pick up mylar? Or white tarp?
  11. My first indoor grow had my closet entirely lined in alfoil (i had no clue what i was doing, I'm an outdoor grower)

    I went on Ebay and bought 3meters of 2mm Mylar for $15 inc shipping. Will line my current grow, or my next grow, havent decided on wether or not i want to use it for a custom box yet.

    My first grow was fine. Alot of people bash tinfoil simply becuase its cheap. It does reflect light, and if you dont have heat problems, then reflecting light is a good thing ;)
  12. Ya i think ill leave it like this now,half covered in foil and half in white paper.If i see overheating problems ill cover everything in white and on my second grow,the only expenses would be new seeds and some mylar so im gonna by them , just for 50$ all together and have a second even more better grow with so much less amount of money! :hello:
  13. Aluminum foil burning your plants is almost completely an old wife's tale. Yes it's possible, but only if you perfectly shaped a parabolic mirror out of the foil and had it close enough and had a light source strong enough. But just based on the distance the light has to travel to get to the foil and then be reflected back, the intensity would drop off too much to allow it to burn your plants.

    Aluminum foil is less reflective of light than a flat bright white painted surface or mylar. You can google "mylar roll" and get tons of vendors online. You only want horticulture-grade mylar, which means at least 1 mil thick, comes on a roll, and has a mirror-like finish. Do not use emergency space blankets, they are made of a mylar-like material but are extremely thin and let light pass through so are not as good for reflecting light.
  14. In the uk I can buy a 20 x 1m roll of Mylar for £20 (40US?)

    With the dispurstion of light it offers why would you use anything else at that price?

    Alu tape wouldn't be my first port of call, i would rather just paint the area white with matt paint. Not to mention the cost of that tape in comparison.
  15. If you really want to go cheap ... go to Big Lots or Dollar Tree ... buy a load of white shower curtains at $2.00 each. They seem to work very well ...
  16. Walmart has emergency blankets in the outdoors/camping section. It is just a big sheet of mylar for about $3. You could cover an entire closet easily with 4 of them.

  17. This helps! Thanks

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