[quote name="kittyloverboobs" post="19380932" timestamp="1390330354"]I just watched this short film, called 'Ego Death' ironically enough and it got me to thinking. Has anyone experienced this? What was the feeling like? What did you take?Here is the short, for reference. It stars rapper Kitty Pryde:http://ladygunn.com/ladygunn-tv/ego-death [/quote]ego death is when your ego (mind attaching you to your physical body) seizes to exist, allowing the consciousness to raise and experience higher vibrations. there is no ego to ground you to the physical. there is nothing to keep you from vibrating at higher frequencies. these higher vibrations/spiritual realms i have not experienced, but plan to when the timings right.in ego death, the physical body thinks it is dieing, therefore the pineal gland releases DMT, just as it would if you were actually dieing. you go through the process of self realization of god being all, you wont fear death no longer and you come back from the experience with an expanded consciousness. your consciousness has now experienced the spirit realms/dark matter realms/higher vibrations what ever you want to call it.masters of consciousness can raise their vibration without use of drugs. they use meditation and yoga and can shut there ego off whenever they want to, in order to experience the spirit realm.psychedelics and entheogens wont give you permanent enlightnement, but are a teacher for what enlightenment acheives and they reveal truths that are masked by secret societies. these substances can raise your frequency to achieve ego death if the right dosage is takenthese higher realms are where we go to at time of death. one day i shall take a good amount of unmentionables when theyre in season and experience the full on ego death. as of now, ive experienced entheogens raising my vibration to dissolve physical matter, but i havent experienced death of egoSent from my iPhone.
The perfect form of ego death is one brought about without the use of any substances. Through proper meditation, incredible states can be achieved that have a lasting impression.
Pure speculation as is anything refering to DMTs role in the body. We have no idea why its there or if or when its released.
fair enough. i should have mentioned that there is no evidence behind DMT production within the human brain. however DMT is a melatonin derivative. melatonin is produced within the pineal gland everyone knows this. melatonin synthesizes into DMT, as the chemical structures are similar. finding the DMT in the pineal gland id imagine would be difficult to impossible, since its melatonin until the body activates the pineal and the chemical reaction takes placeSent from my iPhone.
It's a derivative of tryptophan. Similar in structure to melatonin and serotonin, but not derived from. Pineal gland doesn't produce tryptophan. Tryptophan can get converted by your body in a couple different ways, one is to convert it into serotonin which can then be converted into melatonin. Since there is no evidence that the brain produces or converts DMT, there is no evidence that the body is converting tryptophan into DMT. Not sure where the idea that DMT is a derivative of melatonin was fabricated, but they're just structurally similar because they both are derived from tryptophan. Way it looks, if the pineal gland is taking tryptophan and turning it into melatonin, chances are it's not taking tryptophan and turning it into DMT.. but the brain does have a ton of mysteries to be unlocked. While there might not be a biological need for DMT now, I don't have much doubt that there was once a use for it somewhere in our evolutionary line.. just needs to be rooted out.
It's blissful and very emotional. You are at one and all that is around you is one. Time is nothing but that created by the mind. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Everything turns white. Infinite love is felt. You become one with the universe. Space and time no longer exist, only cosmic radiating energy of the highest form, consciousness, love, god. My egodeath experience was at the beach, with the sun blasting through my eye lids, while I was buried in the sand up to my head, with my girl by my side. I could not have been any more connected than I was at that moment. Infinite peace, 1000 times (at least) greater than the happiest moment of my life prior to that. Words do not do justice in describing the feeling of touching your soul.