Has anyone ever tried this?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Foxymel, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. I’ve been using Dr. Earth products for years for everything I’ve grown and have gotten great results. This is a new product that I want to try. Has anyone ever used this or something similar?

    Metabolic Transformer® – Dr Earth
  2. yes, similar. They even have grow microbes and flower microbes, and those microbes are hard to herd, and no matter what you start out with, you always end up with the same microbes that were there before and will be there after.
    It's all getting to be a moot point really, unless you are large scale and counting everything. As it is now, a normal cannabis plant will produce enough roots to bust out of about any bag you can keep watered no matter what you add to the water.
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  3. It reminded me of a bloom booster after reading the ingredients. But I see your point.

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