Has anyone ever seen this before?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Sobe2022, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. So I come home about a half hour ago baked as fuck (still am) and I went on youtube and just started searching for funny shit. I ended up coming across this video that seriously had me on the floor laughing my fuckin' ass off. I was mucnhin' out to while I was watching it and nearly choked to death I was laughing so hard. If any of you have actually seen the movie "2012" it makes it just that much funnier. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. damn lol. Check it out.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l411jIrS5pY"]YouTube - Angry Black Man: Reviews The Movie 2012[/ame]

    Check out his other videos too, they are all fuckin' hysterical. I'm still watching his other ones and still crackin' up! LMFAO!!!!
  2. he beeps out shit but not bitch?
  3. They say bitch on t.v all the time lol

  4. they also say shit and fuck, why beep some? why not all or none
  5. they dont consider bitch foul language apparantly.
  6. Good point, 2012 sucked.
  7. I liked 2012
  8. "twenty twelve needa go back to twenty nineteen hunned!"

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