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Has anyone ever owed you money and not pay it ?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Jeffersong808, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. I am 24M and friend is 21M. He lives 45 minutes away and I always pick him up and give rides because he doesn’t wanna drive.

    I took him out for the weekend spending about $60-$90 on him for alcohol, food, Uber’s, arcade games, etc.

    In return He said he’ll take me to an expensive buffet on his payday. Payday comes he says the check hasn’t come yet.

    I ask two days later and he doesn’t reply for whole day saying he was tired and slept whole day.

    I’m not even gonna ask anymore bc he’s gonna make another excuse or not even reply.

    I had a feeling he wasn’t gonna take me out, but he kept hyping it up and insisting he will. I feel used and stupid for believing him.

    Why do people always never pay you back, but say they will ?!

    How do I get revenge and what do I do?!

    TL;DR - Took friend out for weekend buying him food alcohol etc, and he hasn’t repayed me back like he promised to
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. LOL
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  3. Are u feeling okay Jeffy?? This is the 2nd thread you've posted which is not about chicks or dancing with kids
    • Funny Funny x 4
  4. What about your friend with the Philippineo gf(he the same guy)? Did he get ripped off?
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  5. His mom wouldn’t let him
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  6. Lmaoo how old is ur homie if his mother has a say in what he's doing dude..
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  7. 24 but she has all his savings and lives in her house.

    But anyways answer my question #fuckmoochers
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  8. I don't lend people money so I've never been in this situation lol, kick his ass if he won't pay or next time he wants to go out just refuse to pay for him & buy yourself shit.. then when he asked why bring up that you're not being taken for a mug & explain it's a 2 way street he can't just take
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  9. I’m moving states tomorrow so I won’t see him again -.- damn cheapskates
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. My friend made it a point to ask me for money after income tax time. To fix his car. 4 cars later and I'm still out 300 bucks.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Fuck the dude off all together then Jeffy.. if your moving away cut ties with him ur better off without people who sponge off u
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  12. True but I need revenge somehow
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. Post him a turd via the mail:laughing:
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  14. I’m gonna send him a video of me at a expensive restaurant. He always gets jealous
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  15. Yes an I've gave people money to buy me weed before an they didn't even come back SMDH

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  16. So how did this come about where you guys were going to go out and the dipstick didnt have any money? Did you say hey wanna go out? Or he was like let's go do this,this,and this? Regardless I want you to help me understand 1. How the f... did you make it through all that sh.. on 90 bucks? 2. What kind of 20 something and going out to the arcade with no kids.(unless it was a Dave & busters). Last note sounds like you took this on a date I hope you got some booty cuz then that is pretty standard rate for taking someone on a date. :)
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. revenge would only drop you to his level and make you look like a joke.
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  18. I actually agree with killset for once lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Show him this thread and watch him burst into tears.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Good friend growing up, used to work with him, always partied etc.
    He moves to my state and wants to go out, no money and says he’ll catch me back on his payday.

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