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has anyone ever heard of this?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by whyze80, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. soo i was just chillin and i smoked a couple jontz with some kids and i got some random great idea while smoking a joint and lighting a bowl and i wanted to know if anyone ever heard of doing this before or anything... so you roll like a really fat joint and stick it like in the hole of your piece.. then you pack some buds around that so its pretty much standing up and you chief on the joint untill it gets all the way to the bowl then you just smoke the rest of da bow'.. haha
    again kinda :smoking: so i hope that made sense
  2. I've kinda done that with roaches...but I hate all the smoke just wafting away from the joint, so I generally would just pack a bowl instead of putting a whole j in there. If I have quantity and not quality, may try that tho...could be fun:).
  3. yeh i know what your talking bout with roaches...i just thought itd be cool to try haha... id think it woudl be just like smokin the j for a while then justl ike smoking a bowl just less work haha
  4. yea i did it a long time ago-i thought it was cool at first but in the long run u just end up wasting trees
  5. It's one of those things that sounds really badass in your head and whatnot but when it comes down to the actual practice of it, it's eh........ nah.
  6. ive smoked with a J in the rush hole and a packed bowl. spark the j so its lit, then just go to town on the bowl and youll be puffin 2 at once.
  7. yeh... see when im stoned i dont think about that kinda everyones saying it and it just sounds kinda wierd but hey... pretty sure my friend just did it so ill let you know what i think in a minute hah
  8. so you're smoking a J through a bowl? seems gratuitous and unnecessary.
  9. definetly one of those things that sounds good in your head... it wasnt bad though just like smoking a j and then ripin a bowl..oh well hah
  10. I've got this bamboo bong from Hong Kong (I went last february) and there isn't a bowl on it. It does have a metal tube in its side, half way up. When I bought it from the guy, I asked what you use this to smoke? He said tobacco.....*thinking* ......HOLY SHIT YO. YOU PUT A DOOBIE IN THIS THING?!!@

    I must say it tore me up yo. Smoking a J in the bambong is NUTS.

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