Has anyone else tried those Miracle Berry Fruit Tablets?

Discussion in 'General' started by muffintoker, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. [​IMG]

    These things are absolutely incredible. Not kidding. They totally work, and are one of the most amazing things ever. They make EVERYTHING taste better, because of how the tablets effect your taste buds. Basically, from what I can remember, they make everything that was sour, into really really sweet. The result is amazing. You can bite into a lime just like it was a piece of candy, because it really does taste like a piece of candy.

    More information can be found here:

    Ordering information and better description can be found here:

    I highly recommend these, really guys, try them. You wont regret it. :smoke:
  2. i seen this shit on beyond tomorrow, and he took a bite of the food he got served before and after and before he ate the berry the food tasted like absolute shit, but after he said it was delicous
  3. I'm curious if this might help the few who like the effects but not the taste of weed since if I'm not mistaken the smoke is rather acidic.

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