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Has anyone else had a p

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Weekly, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. I purchased a 1/4 oz of Ozone brand
    Butter stuff popcorn flower and it's very
    Powerful testing at 40 percent THC and
    I smoked 1/2 gram in my bubbler and
    Got really high immediately and 7 hours
    Later I got the worst Headache and it
    Lasted for 2 complete days...
    Has anyone else had this issue with this
    Brand or this strain.. I think maybe I smoked
    Too much too fast !
    What do you think..
  2. This is the stuff
    IMG_20230628_214612430.jpg IMG_20230628_214539281_MP.jpg

    Attached Files:

  3. 7 hours later should be well after the weed wore off. Perhaps you were dehydrated or had something causing inflammation (weed is anti inflammatory btw) Don't see why it would be the weed.

    Also a side note that 40% is the total cannabinoids by the looks of it, not THC. The THC number is actually lower than what they list there as it follows this formula: THCA(%wt.) × 0.877+∆9THC(%wt.) if my math is right the true THC number should be 33.881% Which is still plenty high, although THC % as long as it's sufficient really isn't something to get hung up on.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. 7 hours later the seditive effect was in full swing
    Even though the euphoric effect was wearing
    Down it was still there... By the way I'm not
    Hung up on the THC % , I know I have a reasonable low tolerance for THC..and I also
    Think you might be wrong about that THC %
  5. Based on what? Are you implying the formula isn't correct? Look it up if you don't believe it. But yeah THC % doesn't really matter as long as it's enough. Either way you don't get a headache for 2 days from smoking some bud alone. That's just not possible and doesn't make sense. Something else caused it.

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