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has any one ever heard of this weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by burnie, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. i'm from the uk, and my 'middle man' i use to get weed off a specific dealer says that the dealer told him he has some weed that's pretty rare in our parts but i've never heard of it, he said it was called squidgy, which i've never even heard of before so i dunno if he was just trying to hype up his average weed or what? or maybe that's not it's actual name, maybe just a kind of nickname?

    has any one heard of it? or any thoughts?

    cheers, peace
  2. without doing any research i'm pretty sure that is a nickname..
    but don't let "names" get the best of you dude, too many people get wrapped up in that. base it on the looks(color,trichs,hairs,)..and its personality too haha.
  3. hmmm well yeah i usuall would check, but with it going through the middle man, i dont get to see it until i've already paid, which i understand i suppose but the middle man says its pretty strong but he's a bit of a noob anyways so i cant take what he says for it lol
  4. yeah, i am with the other poster in that you should never put too much focus on names...
    you will be way better off just looking at the actual weed and seeing what you think.

    even if you dealer got his hands on some rare strain it could have been grown / harvested really shitty.
    if it looks dank, smells dank and smokes dank, it's dank. the end. haha
    and i guess in your situation you might be better off buying a dime or half 1/8th just to try it out.
  5. and another tip..don't ever pay before you even get it! let alone, not even seeing it first. ive done a lot through the middlemen type deals and ive never had to pay before.
    basically they get it from there guy with their own money(usually pay less) and sell it to you marked up a bit..and the whole time you haven't invested anything yet.

    so just be careful bro

  6. i know exactly what your saying, but in this case the middle man is pretty much skint all the time, but i know him well so i have no problem giving him the money upfront and whenever ive got weed of this dealer before its always been decent stuff, but i just thought it was a bit odd on this occasion as id never heard of it before and all, but thanks for the comments anyways lads, appreciate it
  7. np bro, i was recently robbed so im a tad skeptical about things now. but yeah, my advice would be to tag along with your buddy and go from there. good luck
  8. #8 yunggrassmoker, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    could be squidgy black? type of soft, black hashish, isnt too rare in London.

    I've heard people refer to it as squidgy before
  9. Sounds like a made up name to me. Don't pay attention to the name unless you know for sure that it's the correct name. Know what I mean?

  10. yeahh i found out today that its full name is squidgy black, thanks man
    do you know if its strong or what?
    and tbh i guess it must be kinda rare up here because ive never even heard of it before
  11. is squidgy black more of a satvia or indica high?
  12. I have never personally bought Squidgy Black, although I have seen it. My friend recommended I not buy it because he said its no good compared to the high we usually get. But its is as the name says, black and squishy.
    Its not really rare at all, but I suppose maybe up your end it might be, I'm in northwest meself.
  13. #13 JesusGreen, Sep 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2009
    Squidgy is afghan hash. Here I get 1.5g for £10, and 3g for £20, but in some places I've seen it sell for £10 for just a gram.

    Depends. Black hash is usually made by trimmings, so if it's good weed it was made from, it'll be potent stuff. I've only smoked squidgy once and it was much better than most dank I've smoked - and the same price. It doesn't compare to the stuff I'm smoking now though. :smoking:
  14. I got £10 worth last week (not sure how many grams - about 2?) and it got me really nicely toasted. Took many a hit from the bong with it and it was some really nice stuff. Was told that this was good squidgy black, so im not sure if that goes for all of it. Hope you get some nice stuff.
  15. Yeah was going to suggest that it's probably Squidgy Black.
    Not had any decent hash myself yet but hopefully it'll change soon.
  16. Here's my advice, just take a long hard look at it before you buy it.

    Names will change, but dank is always dank.

    Don't ever front money, that's the biggest rule. And you don't ever have to buy.

    Also, if you can, take a few hits of it with your dealer so you see if you like the high. Cause you're the one that's using it, name or not.

    Keep on tokin' :smoking:
  17. Honestly i could care less about names. My current dealer is the same and over a joint we were ranting about how strain names don't make the weed, the weed makes the weed. When i pick up a sack i don't ask about the name, i scope the bud to see if its a crystally dank nug, not some mids with a cool name. Don't worry about the name, see if its dank or not...
  18. i'm in the north east mate and we get squidgy which is usually pakistani black and i get afghan hash both 25 a eighth its alright both give a body stone i like mixing mine with weed gets me nice and wrecked:D

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