Couldn't citizens or an organization file a lawsuit against the State or the U.S. Government concerning marijuana? Using scholarly studies and firsthand accounts as evidence, forcing the subject to the front page of newspapers? Obviously it's just a shot in the dark and basic idea, but couldn't it be done?
Yea, couldn't we make a case and take it to the supreme court that weed was outlawed and is kept at such a status for reasons that are unconstitutional?
Yes, according to scientific data cannabis has many medicinal purposes and doesn't fit any of the requirements of a schedule I drug. I suppose if this were brought up in the supreme court they would have to legalize or reschedule it, or if they wanted to be dicks amend the CSA somehow to keep it illegal.
I think that it would get shot down in the lower court circuits and it would take a lot of money to keep your legal team going and keep repealing till it reaches supreme court.
Gonzales v. Raich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia they never amended the constitution like they did with alcohol
So basically the supreme court decision says that the government can criminalize people for using cannabis medicinally...what a fucked up world we live in.