hey everybody i've got a plant nearing harvest and its looking dank. i tested a quick dried nug and it got me good and high.. just gonna wait another week or so. however since im using CFLs a lot of the buds near the center of the plant are small since the light doesnt really shine through to there. would it be possible to just cut all the tops and biggest buds and let all the small ones swell up some more or would the plant not have enough energy? some of them still have lots of white hairs. the ones closest to the plant are really tiny and im wondering if i can get a bit more out of it i tried looking for other topics but i couldnt word it properly or something because nothing came up. im sure its been asked before but i couldnt find anything thanks
Alot of ppl harvest the top colas first and leave the lower budsites time to ripen a bit longer. Not sure how much longer you'd leave them, prolly couple of days- a week but most def you can harvest the top of the plant and leave the lower part.
iv just cut the buds off the top of one of my plants and i left the others for two more weeks and yes they do fatten up just like the top one's
This is done all the time, it is called staggered harvests. Take the solid top colas first and let the lower flowers ripen and grow until ready. As with the top colas, look at the tricomes color ratio to determine when to harvest. I do this every harvest and increase the yield by 25-40% by harvesting over a 3-4 week period as the flowers size up. Cutting off the top of the branches sends the cell elongation and division auxins to the lower parts of the plant and will cause the lower buds to swell and grow. Your harvest can be extended by several weeks with this method.
alright thanks everybody.. tommorow morning i plan to harvest right before the lights come on. basically takin off the top half of the plant off which contains all the big dense buds and leavin a small plant with tons of undeveloped buds on it that never rly got any light id get some pics up if i could find the camera but im not sure if i will. itd be nice to have some before harvest shots of the plant
You would just delay the final harvest by two more days. Just switch to 12/12 when ready to flower and harvest when ripe, then wait for the lower buds to ripen to maturity.
One question is if the auxins would also result in stem/branch growth, which would result in more bud sites.. If so, then would it be possible for the plant to continue to produce more bud sites... and the individual buds could be harvested when mature... sort of a perpetual harvest using a single plant? Ideally, where and how would one want to cut buds off, in order to preserve the ability for more branch growth/regrowth and more bud sites? Where exactly would new buds form from? Can you cut the bud off at the Y-intersection of the stem and branch, so all the branches & leaves remain for energy...
ive also "heard/read" revegging degrades genetics, cant say from personal exp. just shit ive read, i do like everybody else said, i harvest main colas and move the light closer and it took me a week extra for the rest to be good
Ive read and re-read the article in hightimes for the Humbolt Local's grow. They get some freakin monster plants going up there and they say that they always take the top buds and let the bottom ones come in better before harvesting them also...i dont think that this is necessarily the same process as re-vegging but just a more delayed and drawn out harvest to get more quality lower buds.
re-vegging would mean putting the lower buds back on 24hr light, or 18/6, until the start stretching out growing leaves/stem again. If you keep on 12/12 after main cola harvest, they will just keep flowering.
ALL RIGHT YOU GUYS AND GALS THIS POST LAST ENTRY SAYS OCT 15 2011,IM IN 2016 MAY 2,CAN YOU HARVEST THE TOP MOST BUDS AND COLAS ONLY THEN LET THE LOWER SMALLER BUDS KEEP GOING A LITTLE LONGER TO ACHIVE A BIGGER LOWER BUD YIELD/? lets start off with what type of strain and were talking about auto's,i am personally finishing up a harvest as we speak ,strain ;CHEDDER/KUSH[auto fems],i germinated 138 seeds JAN 13 2016,can we show pics as we go along,they were in full bloom and getting big 136/138 lived and all were female,then desaster hit ,april 8 2016 ,Modesto cA. RAIN ,WE JUST BUILT A GREENHOUSE BUT MY ROOMMATE PUT SLICES IN THE PLASTIC IN THE WALLS AND THE CEILING,LETS JUST SKIP THROUGH THE BULLSHIT ,THIS THAT WHOS FAULT WHATEVER, I MOVED THEMOUT OF THE RAININSIDE PUT LIGHT AND FAN ,I THEN HAD TO LEAVE FOR A DAY N HALF I GOT BACK THE 10 APRIL ANBD NOTICED BUDROT, I FURTHER INSPECTION, IT WAS EVERY WHERE ,WE ENDED UP NL;OSINGALL COLAS AND ALL THE TOPS ,GONE HAD TO CUT IT ALL OUT ,SO I CLEANED EACH PLANT OUT AND OFF ANF FOR THE NEXT THREE WEEKS I CHECKED EACH PLANT EVERY DAY TWICE WHEN I FOUND MOE GRAY MOLD OR ROT ,I WASHED OFF THE GREY AND CUT OUT THE ROT,AT THE TIME THE MOLD CAME I WAS AT POINT HARVEST ANY DAY, I KNOW HAVE A PRETTY GOOD YIELD COMING OFF ,ALL MY SMALL BUDS AND PLANTS THAT WERE RUNTS ,PULLED THEIR OWN WEIGHT,IM STILL HARVESTING THANKFULLY I DIDA LOT OF PLANTS I CONTINUED TO WATEWR FOR 1 WEK WITH NUKES ,SKUNKWERKS, THEN WENT INTO MY FLUSH ANDDRYOUT PERIOD ,ITS BEEN 25 DAYS ALL MY BUDS ,ALMOST ALL HARDIN BACK UP INTO SMALL COLAS OR SINGLE SERVING NUGS ,THE PLANTS THAT WERE REAL STINGY I KEPT THEM GOING IM WATCHINGTHE TRICOMES,THEY ARE NOT AMBER BUT A FEW TURNED THATSALL THE RST ARE MILKY NOW SO IVE BEEN PULLING DAILY AND I PUT A FEW THAT HAD AIRBUDS BACK IN THE SUN AND WATERED THEM AND NOW THOSE BUDS ,OR NUGGETS ARE GROWING GOOD ENOUGH TO INCREASE MY YIELD,ANDTHERE STILL PRODUCING RESIN AND GETTING STICKY ,BUT ITS ONLY AN OPEN WINDOW, FOR APPX,3 WEEEKS LONGER THEN WATCH YOIUR TICONES AND WHEN THERE COMPLETLY AMBER ,IGUESS STOP, I HAVENT MADE IT TO THAT POINT ,AND I DONT THINK I WILL ,ACTUALLY I WILL KEEP A FEW GOING SO WE KNOW THE END RESUL,sht sorry about caps i just looked up abnd seen them,i am gettina a few pouds off them il let ypou know exactlly ,later but its good smoke and better than no yield and it almost was nothing,thing to remember ,constant watch for mold daily plenty of fresh air ,if you have thick colas and buds open them and look and watch for molod any dead leaves or your ploants start looking unusually sick, check them ,at this point of your grow you shoul have ,all or most fdialed in, soyou will reckonize any bad change ,check constantly ,have your humidy under control watch for rain or moister on buds and hold on for the ride,,for all you long time growers i appricate you ifyou correct any of my wrong doig ,this is my first grow i attempted 138 plants in a hostile invirement with no cash flo ,but now i have product ,2 blue dreams going almost 5 ft. and both in flower i found them growing in nov freezing winter ,they piope ground i left them alone they wouldnt grow or die just sat there 1/2 in tall stearing at me ,so fuck it i dug them up and raised them with my aiutos 24/7 lights but when ichanged to 12/12 they started flowering i guess 2 stocky female i toped them 1 looks like the twin towers then i have 1 stray right behind them in size goin in the ground in the morning then i have 23 ,total of GDP,PURPLE HAZE ,and BLUE DREAM,,NOT BAD FOR A ROOKIE, THANKS TO YOU ALL WITH YOUR HELP AND ESPICALLY YOU PATIENTS WITH US BEGINNERS, BUT AS IM LEARNING I WILL LISTEN T ALL OF YOU AND DO MY RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENT TO HELP OUR CAUSE ,,THANK YOU AND HOPE TO BE EXCEPTED IN YOUR CIRCLE ,IM FROM MODESTO CA,,FOOR NOW THANKS
Can you take the main cola off a auto plant and let all the other little side branches ripen or would she get to stressed