Harvesting Drying Outdoors East Coast

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by AngryPossum, Sep 20, 2021.

  1. Hi I'm going to be Harvesting in 2 weeks or so. I most definitely have to Harvest outside. I'm going to be using a fully enclosed portable nice sized clothes closet made of canvass moisture proof fabric or maybe a tent.. Either way, No light will get in for drying.

    1. I'm assuming Temps will be in the 50s to 60s here in late September, is that an ok temperature for drying?
    2. Will I need a fan inside the closet to give air flow to the plants?
    3. Any other ideas for Harvesting my plants outside would be greatly appreciated.
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  2. I hung mine up in my chilly garage last year and kept a fan moving the air around. Definitely not ideal conditions, but my harvest survived.
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  3. The where is far less important then the how.
    Slow dry and not to deep is the Key.
    777 is the accepted perfect drying conditions.
    7 days
    70 degrees
    70% humidity.
    However most of us don't have a perfectly controlled dry space so we adapt.
    Trim close seconds off the living plant.
    Hang till the small stuff firms up.
    Strip buds from branches and place in cut down bags.
    Exposed during the day
    Sealed in a closed container over night.
    Gradually shorten the time exposed per day.
    At the end of a week your buds should be down to the mid 60s humidity.
    Can be jarred at this point with no need to burp jars as the buds are perfectly dried.

    Out for the day.
    Closed up for the night.

    Below 55% humidity all biological processes stop and no cure can happen.
    What Factors a Cause an "Earth" Smell

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