
Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by G@nja, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Here is my pride and joy!

    my jock horror auto flower plant.
    It was grown from seed and was in a 4l DWC hydroponics system for about a month.
    She was then transplanted to soil and has always been kept outside in the shitty english sun! :hello:

    So now has come the time that I beleive her to be ready to harvest within a day or two.
    I'm just wondering if you can see from the pictures if it is ready to harvest.
    (i've tried the tichrome magnification and i think most of the tichs are cloudy, but i read somewhere that when the tendrils become brown the plant is ready??)
    Also what do you guys think of this plant as an autoflower being grown in the english sun? (did i do well)
    and it hasnt had nuts for about 4 weeks:eek:

    This is also my first grow by the way...:smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. looks ready to me how long has she been flowering?
  3. hmmmmm
    about 4 weeks
    It took ages for an auto flower
    from mid june-now 30/9/10 (from seed)
  4. She looks very good, great first attempt but I'm not sure if she is ready.
    If she's been flowering for only 4 weeks not taking into account her veg period but solely on when budding began then she sure as hell is not ready. Plus, if you knew you were still slightly far off from harvest, why did you cut off nutrients 4 weeks ago,?? in my opinion, with those extra 4 weeks feeding and then maybe an extra 2 weeks of flushing, THEN, she would have been ready and oohhhh so much fatter.
    But to tell the truth, I don't know, I can't tell from the pic's, I'm just going on the information that you have provided so far and if they are accurate, then I'd say you still have another 2-3weeks because autoflower's take 6weeks to flower and are supposed to veg for about 3 weeks before automatically flowering under any photoperiod.
    But for a first try, ace job, sexy looking girl +rep you way;);)

  5. Auto's tend to take relatively few nutrients

    Also, I'm surprised your auto is still alive outside, I've only heard that they don't do well with less than 18hrs of light/day
  6. Well, what I've heard is the trichomes need to be cloudy to amber for the best harvest/stone. The more amber, the more stoney. I bought a 30x jewelers loop to check mine and it isn't really enough so I ordered a 200x usb microscope off ebay today for my next crop so there is no room for guessing. I think my trichomes look clear still with the loop. I read somewhere that you can look through binoculars backwards to get a real close look and see how far along you are. Hope this helps.
  7. wicked thanks for the replies guys.
    I cut off nutes because i had issues with having plants at my house etc...
    so i gave the nutes with my other reg plants to a mate.. ofc i would have still been using nuts

    I managed to find a microscope 30x and i can now see the tichs :D
    so now im guessing they are 10% clear and 90% milky :S
    i just look anywhere on the bud right?

    and overall this autoflower has been alive for 4 months... freaky?
  8. #8 billyeye101, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
    Looking great man!!!! still time to go!!!
  9. you were misinformed, my friend, come on now, common sense?
  10. Originally Posted by chefkrh [​IMG]
    I read somewhere that you can look through binoculars backwards to get a real close look and see how far along you are. Hope this helps.

    :D come on now,lol
  11. sweet buds ... is it more sativa dominant?
  12. i think it is quite good looking actually. but i'd advise to stop nuts only one week before harvesting (and maybe leach the soil too in order to remove remaining chemicals, which are not healthy to smoke).

    apart for this is seems quite tasty :D
  13. btw people, its been harvested cured for 2months and smoked :D
    very nice, although it got kinda slightly mouldy in the last 2-3 days it was growing
    got just over 14ish grams dried and cured
    really uppy high made me wanna like do shit, and gave me that tingly feeling on my skin

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