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Harvest time?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Rosecitygreen, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Hey Grasscity. I'm pretty sure it's near harvest time for the survivors of my first grow, but I'm having a hard time telling if it's time. Are these ready or should I give it a bit more time? Sorry if the pics are bad, it's the best I could do with my shaky hands.

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  2. Looks about done. But check the trichs to be sure.
  3. This is the best I can do without a lens. When I do cut them is there a best time of day or anything like that?

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  4. Could you get closer to the BUD. The trichs on the leaves will mature faster. From here though looks clear. You want to shoot for milky
  5. I'll have to get a lens,this is the best my phone and shaky hands can do. So harvest when they're all milky or just mostly all? Also I shouldn't be feeding them anything other than water now right?

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