harvest buds only or...? surrounding leaves as well?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by otterspace2001, Aug 18, 2018.

  1. when harvesting buds should you include the leaves surrounding the bud? Do they have thc within them?
  2. Makes edibles, hash, and oil. Very potent some of that larf.
  3. Pull off all water leaves, cut the branches, hang to dry.
    Once dry, manicure buds clean of sugar leaves.
    Toss the water leaves into the compost and keep the sugar trim to make hash or edibles.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. thank you
  5. By water leaves do you mean the large leaves or also the small leaves surrounding the buds??
  6. Ok. Cut the small leaves surrounding the bud after the drying. Yes??
  7. the small leaves around the buds are the sugar leaves ,they have thc in the trichomes on the leaves ,,mac
  8. Thank you-
    I guess they're keepers ya!
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